Looks like Mastodon v4.2.0 is adding opt-in #fulltext search, but that functionality is up to individual instance owners and the account posting information to make themselves searchable. Probably a benefit for the #weather and #emergency tooters over here who are trying to get information out to anyone. I'll turn on searchability for all the bots.
Find the full text here. Please note that this is just OCR but the document is tagged wrong so acrobat and related tools think it's been processed correctly and all you see is graphics. I pulled this using JAWS. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/tifk7aj75331r9ynaixgl/Trump-Indictment-Full-Text.docx?rlkey=yumd7pt8kokk72repbcknjvlg&dl=1 #accessibility #TrumpIndictment #fulltext
#Accessibility #trumpindictment #fulltext
Re: #Mastodon #Fulltext #Fedisearch
It looks like most people want search now.
Poll: https://social.tchncs.de/@krohne/110797790057041729
When I really started using Mastodon in Nov 2022 I was a bit mystified by the hostile attitudes towards the idea of #Search. I've since come around to appreciate the importance of informed consent.
Given that, it seems the next step should be to build per-toot, per-user, and per-instance consent into the software: https://github.com/mastodon/mastodon/pull/23808 (thanks @vyr!)
Can we get this?
#mastodon #fulltext #fedisearch #search
I've been pondering the posts by @kissane and @siderea about 'not finding your people' #OnHere and am wondering if sentiments toward fediverse-wide #FullTextSearch have shifted at all. I know this has been implemented several times, and then been graciously shut down by developers who listened to community feedback.
#Mastodon #Fulltext #Search
#onhere #fulltextsearch #mastodon #fulltext #search
Has anyone been successful in using #fulltext search IN BOOLEAN MODE with pagination in #laravel. All works great until you try a Boolean search with a +, then invalid number of parameters error rears it’s ugly head. Without pagination also works fine. This might work with a custom pagination query, but was hoping someone might have found a better way. #php #mysql
#fulltext #laravel #php #mysql
🐱🔗 #catlink prende forma:
accetta due parametri:
categoria, c=/sotware
ricerca, s=picocss
il primo sarà "teleguidato" da una pagina di selezione, il secondo di ricerca libera (sarà un form) sfrutta la sintassi #fulltext #search di #MySQL
#catlink #fulltext #search #mysql
This article provides a methodology used to develop a full-text journal article corpus using the R fulltext package:
:doi: https://doi.org/10.1177/01655515231171362
The paper also provides supplementary codes, so feel free to use :rstats: to curate #corpus based on PLoS, Scopus, arXiv, bioXriv, Crossref, Entrez, Europe PMC, Biomed Central data.
#Corpus #fulltext #journal #articles
One of the best pubs in FeedLand is The Atlantic. #fulltext
and here's the Glitch variant of the advanced search patch, which adds the new search reference screen to the Glitch UI flavor: https://github.com/VyrCossont/mastodon/pull/9
#MastoAdmin #MastoDev #FullText #Search #FullTextSearch #ElasticSearch
#MastoAdmin #mastodev #fulltext #search #fulltextsearch #elasticsearch
here's the final iteration of my Mastodon advanced search patch: https://github.com/VyrCossont/mastodon/pull/8
this enables full-text search for posts you haven't interacted with, as well as full-text search for accounts, and includes several advanced filtering operators and parser fixes.
#FediAdmin #FediDev #MastoAdmin #MastoDev #FullText #Search #FullTextSearch #ElasticSearch
#fediadmin #fedidev #MastoAdmin #mastodev #fulltext #search #fulltextsearch #elasticsearch
Die #Anklage gegen Donald #Trump besteht aus 34 Anklagepunkten, alle enhalten den Vorwurf der "Fälschung von Geschäftsunterlagen Ersten Grades".
Trump habe "in der Absicht zu betrügen und in der Absicht, eine andere Straftat zu begehen und deren Begehung zu unterstützen und zu verheimlichen, einen falschen Eintrag in den Geschäftsunterlagen eines Unternehmens vorgenommen und veranlasst […]".
Trump plädierte auf "nicht schuldig" im Sinne der Anklage.
@PatrickOBeirne @feditips @mastodonie @mastodonmigration
There is an opt-in global #Mastodon #fulltext #search from @buercher: Imagine searching any post on Mastodon. This is now possible - at least for the posts of users who opt in, see https://tootfinder.ch.
#Tootfinder indexes all public posts of consenting users and makes them searchable for 14 days. If you want to be part of it, join the index.
Tootfinder uses the public Mastodon API for the profile and the JSON feed. The feeds ...
#Mastodon #search #tootfinder #fulltext
I wonder is Mastodon #migration hampered because there is no #fulltext #search? It makes it discouragingly difficult to find people or specific topics if the poster has not thought of putting a # sign in front of any possible relevant word? Which #looks #a #bit #scratchy.
#migration #fulltext #search #looks #a #bit #scratchy #twittermigration
What would I do if #Google tampers with scholar-google-com ?
Is there a #Fediverse-like alternative being built? (edit: I repeat my request to include #fulltext #search for URL for all papers from journals that scholar-google is including.
Should probably write an "issue" for Mastodon on #github. To get the debate rolling and maybe even garner support from researchers and #scicomm )
Also, after a decade of boycotting for #privacy reasons, I now find myself increasingly using #GoogleEarth Pro. Alternative?
#google #fediverse #privacy #googleearth #fulltext #search #github #scicomm
#CodeAlcea #FullText #Mastodon OwnToot
Of course it is using #RDatabase ...
#codealcea #fulltext #mastodon #rdatabase
Hmm... scrolling through mastodon.social 's #feed, I see still not enough #people #use #hashtags .
All those great posts #never to be #found again.
(Mastodon has no #fulltext #search for #privacy & #performance #reasons)
Maybe admins need to add a "I have read and understood that hashtags are a big deal" #checkmark on #signup ?
#stuffalcea #feed #people #use #hashtags #never #found #fulltext #search #privacy #performance #reasons #checkmark #signup
There you go: https://codeberg.org/Letterus/synapse-project/releases @Codeberg
#Debian and #Ubuntu packages available @opensuse. I'm quite happy I now could install this package on my office machine and I'm finding my documents immediately, getting them presented in a pretty way! #Recoll #Synapse #Zeitgeist #FullText #Search
#debian #ubuntu #recoll #synapse #zeitgeist #fulltext #search