@RickiTarr And just what ever became of those little underground trains? #fullyautomatedluxurycommunism
Wait I took a better photo! #Pride #Nails #FullyAutomatedLuxuryCommunism
#pride #nails #fullyautomatedluxurycommunism
#5yrsago #MurLafferty wrote a science fiction story about the DMCA to help EFF’s fair use for vidders campaign https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2018/05/eff-presents-mur-laffertys-science-fiction-story-about-our-fair-use-petition
#5yrsago The paperback of #Walkaway is out today, along with reissues of all my adult novels in matching covers! https://memex.craphound.com/2018/05/22/the-paperback-of-walkaway-is-out-today-along-with-reissues-of-all-my-adult-novels-in-matching-covers/
#5yrsago The emerging split in modern #trustbusting: #AlexanderHamilton’s #FullyAutomatedLuxuryCommunism vs #ThomasJefferson’s #Redecentralization https://memex.craphound.com/2018/05/22/the-emerging-split-in-modern-trustbusting-alexander-hamiltons-fully-automated-luxury-communism-vs-thomas-jeffersons-redecentralization/
#5yrsago #murlafferty #walkaway #trustbusting #alexanderhamilton #fullyautomatedluxurycommunism #thomasjefferson #redecentralization
#Introduction #artist #art #arthistory #music #culture #design #leftist #protopia #metamodernism #advaita #vedanta #theself #transcend #digitalart #prints #lgbtq #neoromantic #nft #cleannft #sustainability #abstract #romanticism #kindness #agoodlifelived? #lgbtq #photography #architecture #lifelonglearner #blender #fullyautomatedluxurycommunism #SriRamakrishna #middleaged #fuckit #labelsonhumans #willdieoneday
#Introduction #artist #art #arthistory #music #culture #design #leftist #protopia #metamodernism #advaita #vedanta #theself #transcend #digitalart #prints #lgbtq #neoromantic #nft #cleannft #sustainability #abstract #romanticism #kindness #agoodlifelived #photography #architecture #lifelonglearner #blender #fullyautomatedluxurycommunism #sriramakrishna #middleaged #fuckit #labelsonhumans #willdieoneday
@b9AcE there is no violonce in #fullyautomatedluxurycommunism
Shout out to everyone with the Sunday Scaries. Let’s listen to some chill music and breathe deep until we fall asleep.
#sundayscaries #anxiety #fullyautomatedluxurycommunism #lifeisveryshortgomakesomeart #modernlifeisrubbish
#modernlifeisrubbish #lifeisveryshortgomakesomeart #fullyautomatedluxurycommunism #anxiety #sundayscaries
Whoopsie-doodle, looks like our power grid is incredibly vulnerable to a few fascists with guns, and we've reached a critical mass of fascists with guns so that's a problem.
Well, if we're going to have to rebuild our power grid to fix that anyway, we may as well build a national power grid running on green energy that will provide cheap power to everyone. I mean, since we have to rebuild it anyway because of the fascists with guns thing.
#uspol #politics #fullyautomatedluxurycommunism
Making sure democracy and the hacker spirit ventures out to space too,
#OpenSourceSpaceport #OpenSourceSpace #HackSpace #HackTheMoon #HackMars #SpaceColony #OffworldColonization
Political labels,
What I really want:
#DemandUtopia #FullyAutomatedLuxuryCommunism
#opensourcespaceport #opensourcespace #hackspace #hackthemoon #hackmars #spacecolony #offworldcolonization #solarpunk #technogaianism #leftliberalism #communalism #anarchosyndicalism #demandutopia #fullyautomatedluxurycommunism
Making sure democracy and the hacker spirit ventures out to space too,
#OpenSourceSpaceport #OpenSourceSpace #HackSpace #HackTheMoon #HackMars #SpaceColony #OffworldColonization
Political labels,
What I really want:
#DemandUtopia #FullyAutomatedLuxuryCommunism
#opensourcespaceport #opensourcespace #hackspace #hackthemoon #hackmars #spacecolony #offworldcolonization #solarpunk #technogaianism #leftliberalism #communalism #anarchosyndicalism #demandutopia #fullyautomatedluxurycommunism
SRSLY Wrong’s Library Socialism Q&A
In the latest podcast episode from SRSLY Wrong on Library Socialism, they answer some questions about how they envision a society shaped around this politics working.
#degrowth #FullyAutomatedLuxuryCommunism #LibrarySocialism #SrslyWrong
#SrslyWrong #LibrarySocialism #fullyautomatedluxurycommunism #Degrowth
Assorted Articles VII
I have more articles on politics from my backlog of bookmarks I want to share.
#Batman #capitalism #Communism #FALC #FullyAutomatedLuxuryCommunism #socialjustice #socialism
#socialism #socialjustice #fullyautomatedluxurycommunism #FALC #communism #capitalism #batman
Assorted Articles VI
I'm continuing to sift through political articles to find gems. I have some older ones, but there's an article from last week that I think is important.
#environmentalism #FALC #FullyAutomatedLuxuryCommunism #poverty #wealthinequality
#wealthinequality #poverty #fullyautomatedluxurycommunism #FALC #environmentalism
And this supposed to be a bad thing? This is the state humanity should be aiming for! #fullyautomatedluxurycommunism https://twitter.com/DrFrancesRyan/status/946491585533042688