Conners Clinic - Cancer · @connersclinic
36 followers · 1036 posts · Server

EMFs have become overwhelmingly prevalent in daily life! There is no true escape from them!

Electromagnetic Frequencies, or , surround us in modern day & have a huge effect on our health. Taking necessary steps to avoid or limit EMFs can drastically help the healing process.

Take time away from your devices, limit Bluetooth as much as possible, turn WiFi off at night, & practice grounding to limit EMF exposure.

🛒 Want to check out EMF protection products? Go to & search “EMF”

Learn more about the dangers of EMFs & how to avoid them by watching Episode 23 of with Lloyd Burrell located in the IGTV section of our profile OR click the link in our bio for more!

#EMFs #ConnersClinicLive #ConnersClinic #alternativehealing #emfprotection #functionalnutritionist #holisticmedicine #alternativecancertreatments

Last updated 1 year ago

Conners Clinic - Cancer · @connersclinic
36 followers · 1035 posts · Server

“There are certain people that are much more negatively affected by EMFs than others.

Those with sensitivities to EMFs typically have defects on a certain family of genes.

A big part of EMF sensitivity has to do with if you have inflammation in the brain and any Microglial damage.”
— Dr. Kevin Conners

Stick around our account for another post on how you can avoid EMFs in your daily life! ⚡️

Check out Episode 23 of with Lloyd Burrell at

#ConnersClinicLive #ConnersClinic #alternativehealing #holisticmedicine #alternativecancertreatments #functionalnutritionist #EMFs #emfprotection

Last updated 1 year ago

Conners Clinic - Cancer · @connersclinic
36 followers · 1034 posts · Server

Let’s talk about anti-inflammatory foods!

What we eat has a large impact on our bodies.

Processed sugars & other high-glycemic starches increase . They also raise blood sugar & feed cancer cells.

The best way to get your nutrition is through your food! Take a look at some anti-inflammatory foods that are filled with & .

Want to learn more about anti-inflammatory foods?
Check out & search “Inflammation” OR click the link in our bio!

#inflammation #nutrients #Antioxidants #ConnersClinic #alternativehealing #holisticmedicine #alternativecancertreatments #functionalnutritionist

Last updated 1 year ago

Conners Clinic - Cancer · @connersclinic
36 followers · 1034 posts · Server

Let’s talk about anti-inflammatory foods!

What we eat has a large impact on our bodies.

Processed sugars & other high-glycemic starches increase . They also raise blood sugar & feed cancer cells.

The best way to get your nutrition is through your food! Take a look at some anti-inflammatory foods that are filled with & .

Want to learn more about anti-inflammatory foods?
Check out & search “Inflammation” OR click the link in our bio!

#inflammation #nutrients #Antioxidants #ConnersClinic #alternativehealing #holisticmedicine #alternativecancertreatments #functionalnutritionist

Last updated 1 year ago

Sourcing Quality Supplements

“Purity of product is so important when purchasing supplements. Look for classifications such as Certified Organic, Responsibly Wildcrafted, & Purity Verified.”

— Dr. Kevin Conners

It is so important to know that nutraceuticals are NOT created the same. Many products on the market sold by popular retailers, like Target & Walgreens, do not contain quality ingredients. These supplements can often do more damage to the body.

Source quality supplements by looking at the classifications of how the ingredients were grown & harvested.

To better your health, please use quality supplements!

Learn more about this subject by going to OR click on the link in our bio for more!

#qualitysupplement #sourcingqualitysupplements #functionalnutritionist #alternativecancercoaching #holisticmedicine #alternativehealing #ConnersClinic

Last updated 1 year ago

What might cause cancer?

“We all have cancer cells growing in us every day; our immune system is either winning the battle or it isn’t.”
— Dr. Kevin Conners

A few possible causes include:

Pesticides & Herbicides
Toxic food additives

There are a multitude of factors that lead to a diagnosis. When the immune system is overwhelmed, for a myriad of reasons, cancer cells (rapidly replicating cells) start to ‘take hold.’

The cause of cancer can range from environmental to genetic, but what is important is how we take care of our bodies.

Want to learn more about the what can cause cancer growth? Go to & search “cancer”

#cancercauses #functionalnutritionist #alternativecancertreatments #holisticmedicine #alternativehealing #ConnersClinic #genetics #gmos #heavymetals

Last updated 1 year ago

EMFs have become overwhelmingly prevalent in daily life! There is no true escape from them!

Electromagnetic Frequencies, or , surround us in modern day & have a huge effect on our health. Taking necessary steps to avoid or limit EMFs can drastically help the healing process.

Take time away from your devices, limit Bluetooth as much as possible, turn WiFi off at night, & practice grounding to limit EMF exposure.

🛒 Want to check out EMF protection products? Go to & search “EMF”

Learn more about the dangers of EMFs & how to avoid them by watching Episode 23 of with Lloyd Burrell located in the IGTV section of our profile OR click the link in our bio for more!

#alternativecancertreatments #holisticmedicine #functionalnutritionist #emfprotection #alternativehealing #ConnersClinic #ConnersClinicLive #EMFs

Last updated 1 year ago

EMFs have become overwhelmingly prevalent in daily life! There is no true escape from them!

Electromagnetic Frequencies, or , surround us in modern day & have a huge effect on our health. Taking necessary steps to avoid or limit EMFs can drastically help the healing process.

Take time away from your devices, limit Bluetooth as much as possible, turn WiFi off at night, & practice grounding to limit EMF exposure.

🛒 Want to check out EMF protection products? Go to & search “EMF”

Learn more about the dangers of EMFs & how to avoid them by watching Episode 23 of with Lloyd Burrell located in the IGTV section of our profile OR click the link in our bio for more!

#alternativecancertreatments #holisticmedicine #functionalnutritionist #emfprotection #alternativehealing #ConnersClinic #ConnersClinicLive #EMFs

Last updated 1 year ago

Gut Health = Essential in Fighting Cancer

Gut health plays a huge part in cancer development & growth. It’s important to address gut health first to avoid further damage & to help detox toxins out of the body.

We typically recommend simple detoxing from the build up of toxins in the body. To help the body detox, Dr. Conners refers to his GUT Check Protocol.

Our GUT Check Protocol:

1. Remove foods that cause damage

2. Begin a course of Prebiotics

3. Begin taking oral Probiotics

Learn more about GUT health & the GUT Check Protocol by going to OR click on the link in our bio for more!

#guthealth #functionalnutritionist #alternativecancertreatments #holisticmedicine #alternativehealing #ConnersClinic

Last updated 2 years ago

“With incidences of heart disease, diabetes & cancer continuing to rise, as well as escalating mental health issues, research is linking artificial stimulation to exhaustion & a loss of health & vitality.

As humans, our cells expect and thrive on natural sunlight, fresh water & air. Not having such a connection is unnatural.

—Dr. Kevin Conners

It is so common to be consumed by everyday life indoors, surrounded by screens & all sorts of technology. This sad reality has truly impacted our health, both in the present & basic longevity.

We were not created to have a separation from God’s natural Creation. Our bodies thrive on vitamins & nutrients given freely from natural sources.

Follow @Conners.Clinic for more holistic health tips!

#longevityhealth #functionalnutritionist #alternativecancertreatments #holisticmedicine #alternativehealing #ConnersClinic

Last updated 2 years ago

Pain & Cancer

“Pain that cancer patients face has many possible causes, & some can actually be a good sign that the body is destroying cancer cells.

There are certain cancers that don’t necessarily cause pain.

When you have direct attack on the cancer, such as with chemotherapy, with Rife therapy, or with lifestyle changes, pain can occur with apoptosis, which can be a good thing.”

—Dr. Kevin Conners

When the body is destroying cancer cells, there can often be inflammatory responses, which can cause pain. It’s important to note that not all pain is bad pain when talking about cancer.

Learn more about the difference of good & bad pain by going to OR click on the link in our bio for more!

#functionalnutritionist #alternativecancertreatments #holisticmedicine #alternativehealing #ConnersClinic

Last updated 2 years ago

The Role of Fear

“When everything we do is coming from a place of anxiety, that’s not a good thing.

We are human, & we cannot avoid being fearful in life. What we can do is allow that fear to drive us to the One who fears nothing.”

— Dr. Kevin Conners

In a world where we are surrounded by fear, it often becomes hard to avoid feeling worried. Dr. Conners shares his thoughts on the role of fear & how to instead give your worries to the Lord.

Our hope for those faced with fear is that they can turn to the faithfulness & love of God, & strengthen their relationship with Him in the process.

Learn more about the role of fear by going to OR click on the link in our bio for more!

#FaithOverFear #functionalnutritionist #alternativecancertreatments #holisticmedicine #alternativehealing #ConnersClinic

Last updated 2 years ago

“Research has shown that Manuka honey can speed up wound healing, sooth a sore throat, & inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria.

Manuka Honey is made when a European honey bee uses nectar & pollen from the small white flowers on the Manuka tree.

The antimicrobial effects of Manuka honey may be excellent for keeping the digestive system healthy.”

— Dr. Kevin Conners

Manuka honey has been used for centuries as a great natural antimicrobial. It has amazing qualities that help fight against harmful bacteria & infections.

It’s always important to note that the Manuka honey you use should be organic, & contain at least 70% of the Manuka flower pollen!

Learn more about Manuka honey by going to OR click on the link in our bio for more!

#ManukaHoney #functionalnutritionist #alternativecancertreatments #holisticmedicine #alternativehealing #ConnersClinic

Last updated 2 years ago

“Nutritional deficiencies are much more common than one would think. Though we may be eating a much greater quantity of food, the quality of available nutrients continues to plummet.”

— Dr. Kevin Conners

Nutrition is a key component when building a strong immune system. For those with autoimmune disorders or cancers, building a strong immune system is vital.

Nutritional deficiencies are so prevalent in modern day, so addressing the diet can be a hard task. However, helping the body detox & gain the proper amount of nutrients is an extremely important part of building a healthy body.

Want to learn more about nutrition? Go to OR click on the link in our bio for more!

#nutritionaldeficiencies #nutrition #functionalnutritionist #alternativecancertreatments #holisticmedicine #alternativehealing #ConnersClinic

Last updated 2 years ago

Chaga = The Treasure of the Forest

“Chaga mushroom is actually a treasure trove of science-backed healing potential that has been a prominent feature in folk medicine for thousands of years.”

—Dr. Kevin Conners

mushroom has been used for its immense background in benefiting immune health. There are numerous studies that reveal Chaga’s wide variety of great health-promoting qualities!

Just like with every product, it’s so important to source quality Chaga. At Conners Clinic, we source our Chaga from Alaska, harvested off of living birch trees.

Learn more about the amazing qualities of Chaga by going to & search “Chaga” OR click on the link for more!

#chagamushroom #functionalnutritionist #alternativecancertreatments #holisticmedicine #alternativehealing #ConnersClinic #chaga

Last updated 2 years ago

Chaga = The Treasure of the Forest

“Chaga mushroom is actually a treasure trove of science-backed healing potential that has been a prominent feature in folk medicine for thousands of years.”

—Dr. Kevin Conners

mushroom has been used for its immense background in benefiting immune health. There are numerous studies that reveal Chaga’s wide variety of great health-promoting qualities!

Just like with every product, it’s so important to source quality Chaga. At Conners Clinic, we source our Chaga from Alaska, harvested off of living birch trees.

Learn more about the amazing qualities of Chaga by going to & search “Chaga” OR click on the link for more!

#chagamushroom #functionalnutritionist #alternativecancertreatments #holisticmedicine #alternativehealing #ConnersClinic #chaga

Last updated 2 years ago

Green Tea Extract (EGCg)

EGCg has been researched extensively for its benefits in cardiovascular health & its cancer killing abilities.

“Studies in oral cancer have shown EGCg destroying oral cancer cells without harming healthy ones due to triggering apoptosis in the mitochondria.

“EGCg also has been shown to prevent bone loss from cancer. Clear EGCg may be a beneficial nutrient to anyone’s protocol should bone loss exist.”

—Dr. Kevin Conners

It’s important to note that sourcing good quality EGCg makes a huge difference. Look for reputable companies that heavily stress the quality of their products & test for any contaminants.

Learn more about EGCg by going to OR click on the link in our bio for more!

#greenteaextract #egcg #functionalnutritionist #alternativecancertreatments #holisticmedicine #alternativehealing #ConnersClinic

Last updated 2 years ago

Essential Oils for Cancer

At Conners Clinic, we test each patient for what works for his or her body specifically. Each protocol will look differently.

However, there are many oils that have proven effective for many cancer patients.

- Sacred Frankincense
- Frankincense
- Copaiba
- Lemongrass
- Myrrh
- Oregano

These oils have qualities that help decrease cancer growth through either oral or topical usage.

Want to learn more about essential oils & cancer? Go to OR click the link in our bio for more!

#essentialoilsforcancer #essentialoilsandcancer #functionalnutritionist #alternativecancertreatments #holisticmedicine #alternativehealing #ConnersClinic

Last updated 2 years ago

Echinacea has shown to have significant impact on the immune system, creating a faster immune response. For cancer patients, Echinacea can be extremely beneficial in stimulating Natural Killer Cell activity.

“Natural Killer Cells (NKCs) are part of the first line of defense against disease and cancers.

The concept that herbal compounds could enhance NKCs has recently gained considerable attention has received excellent reviews with the use of Echinacea.

The value of Echinacea is so effective because it stimulates the NKC activity, which is effective in detecting and killing tumor cells immediately upon detection.”

—Dr. Kevin Conners

Learn more about the power of Echinacea by going to OR click on the link in our bio for more!

#alternativecancertreatments #functionalnutritionist #holisticmedicine #alternativehealing #ConnersClinic

Last updated 2 years ago