On Nov 28th the Vancouver School Board will debate the reinstatement of police in schools, also known as the school liaison officer (SLO) program. There is a public delegation meeting on Monday Nov 21st and you can email a request to speak before 4:30pm TODAY: https://www.vsb.bc.ca/District/Departments/Office_of_the_Secretary_Treasurer/Pages/Default.aspx
You can also sign this open letter to the Vancouver School Board trustees to express your opposition to the reinstatement of the SLO program here: https://www.onecityvancouver.ca/keep_cops_out_of_schools
#SchoolToPrisonPipeline #RestorativeJustice #FundBCSchools #NoCopsInSchools
#schooltoprisonpipeline #restorativejustice #fundbcschools #NOCOPSinSCHOOLS