Funeral Parade of Roses (Toshio Matsumoto, 1969) #FuneralParadeofRoses #ToshioMatsumoto #TCMUnderground #film #movie #cinema #films #movies
#Movies #films #cinema #movie #Film #tcmunderground #toshiomatsumoto #funeralparadeofroses
On February 11, 2022 Funeral Parade of Roses, Match Your Mood with Westinghouse, R.F.D. Greenwich Village and Drug Stories: Narcotic Nightmares and hallucinogenic Hellrides were screened on TCM Underground. Here's some art inspired by all four features!
#TCMParty #TCMUnderground #FuneralParadeOfRoses #MatchYourMoodWithWestinghouse #RFDGreenwichVillage #DrugStories #ArthouseFilm #SponsoredFilm #IndustrialShort #SocialGuidanceFilm #FlorrieFisher #Art #FanArt #Drawing #MovieHistory
#TCMParty #tcmunderground #funeralparadeofroses #matchyourmoodwithwestinghouse #rfdgreenwichvillage #drugstories #arthousefilm #sponsoredfilm #industrialshort #socialguidancefilm #florriefisher #art #FanArt #drawing #moviehistory
Not nearly as much eye trauma in “Performance” compared to “Funeral Parade of Roses” but I guess they can’t all be winners
#TCMUnderground #TCMParty #Performance1970 #FuneralParadeOfRoses
#tcmunderground #tcmparty #performance1970 #funeralparadeofroses
And done. Here’s my new Mick Jagger fan art in celebration of this TCM Underground presentation of Performance! Thanks for checking out tonight’s pieces, folks!
#TCMParty #funeralparadeofroses #tcmunderground #drawnderground #mickjagger #art
Forgot to post this during the last show, but designed some new Funeral Parade of Roses punk patch art!
#TCMParty #funeralparadeofroses #tcmunderground
WANT MORE NEW WAVE DRAG RENDITIONS OF SOPHOCLES PLAYS, DAMMIT! Philoctetes -- Heck, just do Antigone and make it a sequel to this!
#TCMParty #funeralparadeofroses #tcmunderground
Glad to see some non-English programming on TCM Underground again. Nor to say that Alicia Malone doesn't manage to slip some really subversive / nanners fun stuff into the #TCMImports line-up now and then ... which remindsme, "The Lure" (2015) would be perfect for Underground. Sexy horror vampire mermaids working in a burlesque show in Perestroika-era Communist Poland; AND IT'S A MUSICAL!!!!
#tcmimports #TCMParty #funeralparadeofroses #tcmunderground
Just a head’s up if you’re squicked out by eye-stuff you might want to turn away around umm… NOW
#TCMParty #TCMUnderground #FuneralParadeOfRoses
#tcmparty #tcmunderground #funeralparadeofroses
Loitering on sidewalks in silly clothing, smoking and making vague allusions to Che Guevara kind of summed up my late teens ...
#TCMParty #funeralparadeofroses #tcmunderground
@analgesicsleep Just the parts I don't like! It's like having your West Side Story Cake, and eating it too!
#TCMParty #funeralparadeofroses #tcmunderground
Just choked on my generic Mountain Dew laughing at that little "Applause Requested" segue!
#TCMParty #funeralparadeofroses #tcmunderground
“Applause is requested”
#TCMParty #TCMUnderground #FuneralParadeOfRoses
#tcmparty #tcmunderground #funeralparadeofroses
It’s like “West Side Story”..but without the brownface, or heterosexuality or choreographed dancing…or…
#TCMParty #TCMUnderground #FuneralParadeOfRoses
#tcmparty #tcmunderground #funeralparadeofroses
@SchlocklusterVideo I was 14 (but pretending to be older😶) and watched this on a very worn VHS with some friends that were in college on one of those tv’s with the big bubble backs. I remember being absolutely enthralled by it. Eventually someone let me make a copy of the VHS. I think I still have it somewhere
#TCMParty #TCMUnderground #FuneralParadeOfRoses
#tcmparty #tcmunderground #funeralparadeofroses
Here’s some previously-drawn fan art I’ve drawn inspired by Funeral Parade of Roses in the past!
#TCMParty #funeralparadeofroses #tcmunderground #drawnderground
My first time watching FPoR I tried to just get lost in the general mood and aesthetic, instead of trying to pick apart the various avant garde layers and pausing to check my Penguin Publishing collection of Ancient Greek literatature. I knew immediately I was gonna watch it again anyway, so save the bulletin board and red yarn for later. Tend to do the same with David Lynch films, but with FPoR, I didn’t feel like I needed a shower afterwards …
#TCMParty #funeralparadeofroses #tcmunderground
“Funeral Parade of Roses” (1969) Dir. Toshio Matsumoto x “A Clockwork Orange” (1971) Dir. Stanley Kubrick
#TCMParty #TCMUnderground #FuneralParadeOfRoses #AClockworkOrange
#tcmparty #tcmunderground #funeralparadeofroses #aclockworkorange
Took me an embarrassing number of times viewing this movie to finally make the Eddie / Oedipus name connection. “Edie Pus” or “Eddie Puss” would be a pretty decent drag king or queen name, imho. Or a good name for the bassist in whatever G.G. Allin is calling his band that particular week, for that matter …
#TCMParty #funeralparadeofroses #tcmunderground
A Greek play about some dude boinking his mom serves as the loose basis for Funeral Parade of Roses, which inspired Kurbrick’s A Clockwork Orange, which got Malcolm McDowell type-casted as a degenerate, which landed him the titular role in Caligula, which was based on the debauchery of a Roman Emperor. Ancient Greco-Roman debauchery helps make the cult film world go round!
#TCMParty #funeralparadeofroses #tcmunderground
I miss this. My long term partner is bi and trans and nonbinary and I’m pansexual and pangender and we’re both polyamorous. We had to close ranks and stop seeing our FWB and girlfriends, boyfriends and nbfriends due to the pandemic. It sucks and It’s gonna suck even more finding public health-minded partners post-pandemic (whenever that will be) but these past 3yrs have at least been interesting to navigate together.
#TCMParty #TCMUnderground #FuneralParadeOfRoses
#tcmparty #tcmunderground #funeralparadeofroses