here's a #funfact few know: 9/11 was Plan B, Plan A was the "Bojinka plot", simultaneous assassination of the Pope, blowing up 11 US airliners, and crashing a small plane into CIA HQ. But the bombmaker got caught so they adjusted it to use the only part they had left, the planes
#funfact, when the Apollo 16 astronauts revisited the Apollo 11 landing site, they discovered the fading flag had 70 stars. This has never been explained by NASA and the flag is now bleached white by radiation
Limonaden enthielten durch Gärung ein bisschen Alkohol und das störte niemanden. Erst mit der Prohibition und der Soda-Mode in den USA entstand hier ein Bewusstsein dafür. Dass Alkohol nicht nur Kinder doof macht war schließlich nicht evident weil alle soffen und doof waren.
Sin-Alco ("Alkoholfrei")
#prohibition #funfact #soda #alkoholfrei #sinalco #hashtag
"Dat machste mir aber in V2A! Woll?"
Funfact: Während wir in DE ja die totalen Normierungs-Musterschüler sind, fasst der Sprachgebrauch quasi alle nicht rostenden Legierungen aus Chrom-Nickel-Stahl als "V2A" zusammen. "Versuchsschmelze 2, austenitisch". Eine Laborbezeichnung von 1902. In Worten Neunzehnhundertzwo!
#funfact #schland #Normierung #v2a #Sprachgebrauch
Also: hello! I'm Rey, a they/them, and your freshest birdsite transfer.
After a few months away from the tootin' I realized that I miss the sense of online community--and so I'm here now.
I mostly follow & write stuff about #gardening #homesteading #dnd #cooking #funfact #nonbinary - looking forward to finding my peeps!
#newhere #nonbinary #funfact #cooking #dnd #homesteading #gardening
Apparently, the idea of a lizzard brain responsible of primitive instincts shared between reptiles and mammals isn't as such. As usual, things are always more complex than they might seem.
#funfact Scientific models can change over time as more information is uncovered, even becoming completely invalid sometimes, and that's ok, no single idea/model is absolute truth.
In letzter Zeit ist der #faktenfreitag ein wenig eingeschlafen,😴 also lasst ihn uns gemeinsam wieder aufwecken🤯
Hunde sind in der Lage am Geruch eines Menschens zu erkennen ob er gestresst ist oder nicht.
Und jetzt seit ihr dran, haut sie raus eure kleinen aber erstaunlichen Fakten.
#funfact #unnutzeswissen #faktenfreitag
#funfact The units KB, MB, GB, TB and beyond to measure Bytes don't mean actual Bytes sizes anymore, because marketting couldn't handle powers of 2 when marketting storage drives or anything that required a Bytes measure.
To distinguish, KiB, MiB, GiB and so on, were invented to measure actual Bytes sizes in powers of 2.
A 1TB hard drive does not have 1024GB exaclty, it has 931.323GiB instead.
Bei solch strahlend-sonnigem Sommerwetter wie aktuell ist es im #SubTerraneanHomeoffice wärmer als im Sommer.
Die Sonne steht ja schon viel flacher, und scheint daher länger in die Fenster.
#FunFact des Tages
#subterraneanhomeoffice #funfact
#funfact New York City, the Empire State Building, Broadway, it's all made-up by Hollywood.
Here's what Manhattan really looks like, nothing there.
Millions a year come and we have to explain we just hunt rabbits there. Don't come.
#funfact If you stretch a rubber band, it will heat up a little. If while stretched it reaches ambient temperature, when released it will absorb some heat.
This is roughly the main working principle of A/C units and fridges, with a specialized gas instead, that is compressed and expanded across a closed loop.
Also, it is actually possible to use just rubber bands that stretch and contract mechanically to make a very rough, tiny and inefficient fridge prototype.
#funfact (about me): I never purchased a microwave oven, and I don't think I ever will.
Given that #StarTrek transporters work by ripping apart your atoms and recreating you somewhere else using particles at the destination, everyone on every Star Trek series has been murdered about a gazillion times.
The adult industry played a significant role in the development of modern technology. It's said that VHS tapes became the dominant home video format in the late 1970s and early 1980s largely because the adult film industry adopted it, which influenced consumers' choice of video players. 📼💻 #TechHistory #AdultIndustryImpact #FunFact
#techhistory #adultindustryimpact #funfact
The world's first recorded "adult" film, titled "Le Coucher de la Mariée" (The Bride's Bedroom), was made in France in 1896. It's over 125 years old and quite different from modern content! 🎥 #AdultFilmHistory #FunFact #CinemaLegacy
#adultfilmhistory #funfact #cinemalegacy