@asei_sano @aruiz Seriously it neither "moons" nor crashes...
Like #fiat it's #fungibility and #liquidity keeps it stable...
Sorry for the pay wall on this but bottom line is, scientists have taken XY cells from the tail of an adult mouse, cultured them in a proper soup of growth factors and produced an oocyte which they then fertilized with mouse sperm, implanted the embryo in a surrogate and produced viable pups! #sexcell #fungibility #malecellsmakeoocytes #oocytes #mouse
#sexcell #fungibility #malecellsmakeoocytes #oocytes #mouse
It's okay that we made the koala extinct, because we doubled the number of wombats
#offsets #fungibility #economics #ecology #GreenCapitalism #greencapitalism #environment #auspol
#offsets #fungibility #economics #ecology #greencapitalism #environment #auspol
Economists will soon want to delete the word Fungibility from our vocabulary. Choose, seek #Fungibility.
#bitcoin as store of value yes.
#bitcoin as store of value only, no.
#bitcoin as a daily mean of exchange is much more viable than many are portraying.
Not only LN got much better with many options to use it,
#statechain such as mercurywallet are amazing to use, and increase #fungibility and #privacy
Plus all other L2 and centralized solutions.
tx scaling is now.
Next: #unitofaccount
#unitofaccount #privacy #fungibility #Statechain #bitcoin
«Zero to Monero: Second Edition» is an amazing reading for anyone loving cryptocurrencies. Just went thorugh it last weekend after having read the first edition some time ago. The update is appropiate and detailed. A treasure: https://www.getmonero.org/library/Zero-to-Monero-2-0-0.pdf
#xmr #monero #privacy #fungibility #cryptocurrency
A perfect #Bitcoin #WhitePaperDay present. Thank you @nopara73@twitter.com !
RT @wasabiwallet@twitter.com Stable 1.0 version is here!
For the 10th anniversary of the @bitcoin@twitter.com whitepaper we provide a wallet that offers proven #privacy, #security and #fungibility. The user experience gets better and better with more users.
Let’s make Bitcoin fungible together!
#fungibility #security #privacy #whitepaperday #bitcoin