#Funkstörung #low_fi #experimentalHipHop #mastodontradio
<iframe style="border: 0; width: 350px; height: 470px;" src="https://bandcamp.com/EmbeddedPlayer/album=984296344/size=large/bgcol=ffffff/linkcol=0687f5/tracklist=false/transparent=true/" seamless><a href="https://funkstoerung.bandcamp.com/album/appetite-for-destruction">Appetite for Destruction by Funkstörung</a></iframe>
#funkstorung #low_fi #experimentalhiphop #mastodontradio
@connect_icut @vinylrecords i haven’t, since going exclusively apple music. but i do have my 2004–2018 frozen in time:
1 Boards of Canada
2 David Kristian
3 Autechre
4 Legowelt
5 Apparat
6 Solvent
7 Coil
8 Aphex Twin
9 DJ Assault
10 Bangkok Impact
11 Depeche Mode
12 Wisp
13 Kelpe
14 Lowfish
15 Air
16 Morgan Geist
17 Not Breathing
18 Funkstörung
19 Mr. Projectile
20 Anoraak
#boardsOfCanada #davidKristian #autechre #coil #aphexTwin #funkstörung
#funkstorung #aphextwin #coil #autechre #davidkristian #boardsofcanada
🔜 noayama — consume land flea market
“It centers on the contradiction between turbo-capitalist consumerism and the desire for vintage stuff in all kinds of shapes and colors to escape reality for a bit. I think it's quite a nice and suitable metaphor for the position my generation is in right now” says the 21-year-old producer, musician and interdisciplinary artist.
https://noayama.bandcamp.com/album/consume-land-flea-market #noayama #noahBerger #hipHop #electronicMusic #michaelFakesch #funkstorung #affineRecords #musikAusStrom
#musikausstrom #affinerecords #funkstorung #michaelfakesch #electronicmusic #hiphop #noahberger #noayama
soon: noayama — consume land flea market
“It centers on the contradiction between turbo-capitalist consumerism and the desire for vintage stuff in all kinds of shapes and colors to escape reality for a bit. I think it's quite a nice and suitable metaphor for the position my generation is in right now” says the 21-year-old producer, musician and interdisciplinary artist.
https://noayama.bandcamp.com/album/consume-land-flea-market #noayama #hipHop #electronicMusic #michaelFakesch #funkstorung
#funkstorung #michaelfakesch #electronicmusic #hiphop #noayama
#30DaySongChallenge day 10: a song that makes you sad
i don’t often turn to music to commiserate w/feeling sad, but i do have a playlist from a time when i was depressed. i think of vocals as another instrument in a piece, and don’t often parse lyrics as giving meaning to a song (correlates w/prev toot!) i had to look up the lyrics to check if this was woeful — the vocal performance, for me, made it so.
funkstörung – all the things (w/anothr)
#idm #anothr #funkstorung #30daysongchallenge