@rtfm Again, this is not the fault of #fediverse or #funkwale or #peertube (or any other #OpenSource #federated technology).
It is hard to choose a good, reliable provider, that can sustain its operation (and yours) for the lang haul.
However, if you set your instance correctly, it should be _easier_ to switch providers.
It should be as easy as taking a backup from one place and restoring it on another.
But then, again, the technology is still young.
#fediverse #funkwale #peertube #opensource #federated #devops #procurement
FunkWhale has a new release. #FunkWale #Fediverse #Music https://blog.funkwhale.audio/funkwhale-130-release.html
@mte90 io di solito per podcast accumulo un po' di puntate poi durante i turni di notte mi sento più puntate dello stesso podcast e recupero . Nel tuo caso all'inizio ti ascoltavo su #funkwale perché volevo provare la piattaforma che per me era nuova ora ti ascolto come tutti gli altri sul mio aggregatore .
Hey, someone knows if there is any good #funkwale instance (i think the name was "pods" right?) for #bronys out there? Tried using funkwale in the past but the inexistence of content of my interest+as there is usually a storage cap (for obvious reasons, i know) there is no much point in trying to upload content only for myself, but i wanted to give it a second chance as I'm on mastodon already so I'm asking here as you guys probably know better than me
#question #mylittlepony #mlp #fediverse #bronys #funkwale
This one begs for the bass to be turned up.
#funkwale #musodon #electronica #beats
#funkwale #musodon #electronica #beats
Is anyone using funkwhale? Do you have instance recommendations?
#fediverse #activitypub #funkwale
En cuanto a esto ultimo, para quienes no lo saben, aqui les dejo un ejemplo:
Imaginense por un monento que con su cuenta de tuitre pudieran seguir o dejarse seguir por usuarios de yutuber o de instagramo o de feisbuc o de soundmix o de gdrive...
El #fediverso si lo hace posible: Tu puedes seguir a cuentas de #peertube (video), #pixelfed (fotos), #funkwale (audio), #friendica (tipo feisbuc), #nextcloud (cloud)... etc
#fediverso #peertube #pixelfed #funkwale #friendica #nextcloud
@beatricelebrun en el #fediverso tienes muchas herramientas interconectadas... por ejemplo:
#peertube = youtube
#funkwale = musica
#Pixelfeed = instagram
#nextcloud = gdrive
etc etc etc
Y de seguro hay una red para blogs...
https://wikiless.org/wiki/Fediverse?lang=en#Fediverse_software_platforms y (casi) todas interconectadas
#fediverso #peertube #funkwale #Pixelfeed #nextcloud
@Cortez77 olha ai o nosso https://coletivos.org/ tá a bombar :-) o nosso server (instancia) do coletivos tá fixe.. um dia teremos o #funkwale tambem
Am besten in einer Podcast App Abonnieren (z.B. AntennaPod) und keine kommenden folgen verpassen.
RT @ExtinctionR_DE
Nutzst du schon Mastodon oder einen anderen Dienst im unabhängigen Netzwerk #Fediverse?
Dann schau dir unseren Podcast auf der Audio-Plattform #Funkwale, dem Pendent zu Soundcloud. 😎
Nutzst du schon Mastodon oder einen anderen Dienst im unabhängigen Netzwerk #Fediverse?
Dann schau dir unseren Podcast auf der Audio-Plattform #Funkwale, dem Pendent zu Soundcloud. 😎
Ce soir la PL, c'est mon #funkwale qui la fait… 😉
En espérant qu'on trouve tout sur YT !
Moi je dis qu'avec #Mastodon, #Pixelfed, #Funkwale, #Peertube on a un truc qui commence à être pas mal du tout niveau #fediverse.
Il faudrait que #Diaspora s'y mettent aussi à pouvoir interagir avec tout ça… (déjà gérer oEmbed pour Peertube)
Et là, ce n'est effectivement plus d'"alternatives" dont il faudra parler.
Parce que le Minitel 2.0 il va pouvoir aller se rhabiller ! 😉
#mastodon #pixelfed #funkwale #peertube #fediverse #diaspora