So in tonight’s #FunWithEDS, thanks to the typhoon rolling in, my joints have been a mess, especially my knees.
To make up for it, my thigh muscles on one leg have been tensed up to keep everything in place.
Which means right now, at 2am when I’m trying to go to sleep, my right thigh is so tense the muscle is actually hard as a rock and so tense it’s hurting. Making o can’t go fall asleep.
Normally on the rare times my leg gets that tense, I just drink a bunch of alcohol.
I had planned to spend today cleaning my apartment (it desperately needs it) but my oft-sprained/dislocated knee and elbow are both telling me yup, the air pressure has changed because of the typhoon, and nope, we will not be doing anything but sitting today. 😖
So today might be a Mass Effect and Baldur’s Gate 3 day instead. #FunWithEDS #EDS
#FunWithEDS means I am quite literally painfully aware of the typhoon rolling in. Walking is paaaaaaaain. My knee hates me AND the typhoon. #EDS
The forever #FunWithEDS:
Me, in the shower this morning: …No, really, WHERE did that bruise come from?! Yeah, I banged my arm pretty hard a days or so ago, but I didn’t bang it THERE!
Guess who managed to pop her finger out of place by resting her cheek against her hand in the middle of class while her students were writing? This chick! 🎉 🎉 🎉 #hEDS #EDS #FunWithEDS
I both heard and felt the joint pop out of place, which was a terrifying moment, honestly. But it didn’t hurt until I tried to write something on the board, and then it was a bad time for me.
#FunWithEDS: …where’d that bruise come from?! 🧐🧐🧐
I legit have no idea where that bruise came from. It hurts, too. #EDS #hEDS
One #FunWithEDS moment I had was during the interview with the woman working on her thesis. She went, “you’re about, 20s, 30s?” I went “Nope, 45,” and she about fell out her chair, especially when I took my mask off. lol #EDS keeps me looking the same as I did when I graduated college 🤣
Before GW, one of my coworkers said if she saw me in the hall with a backpack, she’d easily assume I was a student. I actually do get offered student discounts if I go to museums with a backpack on 😅
Today in #FunWithEDS, potentially having popped your pinky out of place opening the door to LEAVE REHAB/THE ORTHOPEDIST. 😖😖😖 #hEDS #EDS
I hate when my already borked proprioception decides randomly to be extra borked and decide my brain doesn’t need to know where my knees ACTUALLY are. Walking becomes weird when your brain suddenly decides your knees are about 2cm above where they really ARE and send electrical impulses accordingly. #hEDS #EDS #FunWithEDS
So rehab today started out great then turned into a painful hell and now my knees hurt. But it’s to make me learn how to bend my knees the RIGHT way so they hurt less in the future. But OWW. #hEDS #EDS #FunWithEDS
#FunWithEDS means constantly wondering, “Hey, where did that bruise come from?” #hEDS #EDS
Stupid me decided to wash my pan and the two dishes left in the sink.
A lot more cussing happened. Now I’m ordering a pizza because lesson learned; do not move my arm.
Tomorrow miiiiight be a doctor day. #hEDS #EDS #FunWithEDS
I am unfortunately not physically built for catching and helping up old men as they collapse on the street in front of me. My right wrist was at the wrong angle and is now swollen, and my right elbow is hurting.
I’m not at all regretting helping him, don’t get wrong, just wishing my body wasn’t so crap. #hEDS #EDS #FunWithEDS
I have managed to put my elbow in a precarious state by…carrying a set of classroom flashcards. 😵💫 #hEDS #EDS #FunWithEDS.
Aaand my knee is trying to give up the ghost after all the walking I’ve made it do today. It does not like walking or moving, and I’m like, “That is it your ONE JOB, knee!” #eds #FunWithEDS #OneJob
Left knee. You can not effing try to give out from under me when my right knee is currently shit because of cartilage damage and early stage arthritis. No! You had two knee surgeries already; pull your damn weight. #FunWithEDS #disability