Needed to compress a directory, and noticed that my script was lacking the ability to perform that action… so I’ve added a directory check to the xz9 compress script 💫
It should work, if you encounter problems, let me know ^^
It creates an .xz
in case of file and .tar.xz
in case of directory 📦
#linux #bash #FOSS #FLOSS #shell #terminal #furaUtils #xz #tar #archiving #archive #compression #productivity
#linux #bash #foss #floss #shell #terminal #furaUtils #xz #tar #archiving #archive #compression #productivity
#linux #furautils
added a simple #bash #script to my furautils repo to create a #v4l2 #loopback which can be used to feed the same video stream from a webcam/camera (#uvcvideo) to multiple applications instead of just one.
It works for me and has simplified my life a lot, hope it will turn out to be helpful also for you ^^
#linux #furaUtils #bash #script #V4L2 #loopback #uvcvideo
#linux #furautils
added a simple #bash #script to my (furautils repo)[] to create a #v4l2 #loopback which can be used to feed the same video stream from a webcam/camera (#uvcvideo) to multiple applications instead of just one.
It works for me and has simplified my life a lot, hope it will turn out to be helpful also for you ^^
#script #furaUtils #bash #V4L2 #loopback #linux #uvcvideo
#linux #furautils
added a simple #bash #script to my [furautils repo]( to create a #v4l2 #loopback which can be used to feed the same video stream from a webcam/camera (#uvcvideo) to multiple applications instead of just one.
It works for me and has simplified my life a lot, hope it will turn out to be helpful also for you ^^
#linux #furaUtils #bash #V4L2 #loopback #uvcvideo #script
#linux #furautils
added a simple #bash #script to create a #v4l2 #loopback which can be used to feed the same video stream from a webcam/camera (#uvcvideo) to multiple applications instead of just one.
It works for me and has simplified my life a lot, hope it will turn out to be helpful also for you ^^
#linux #furaUtils #bash #script #V4L2 #loopback #uvcvideo
Added a couple scripts to rapidly compress pictures to the #furaUtils ^^
I use them to create #licensing files (#safeCreative has a limited amount of space that offers to their users) and to create compressed copies of files I do not want to share in full resolution or just want to use for my #blog ^^
SafeCreative code, in case you end up exporing the service: 9XZKH9 (10% discount)
#furaUtils #licensing #SafeCreative #blog #bash #shell #scripts #linux #foss #floss