ICYMI Here are the studies that #RFK is referencing when talking about COVID being genetically targeted, due to the binding force of the spike protein being tuned to specific polymorphisms that particular ethnicities (Ashkenazi) have & don't have called #K26R
This is the smoking gun, the #furin-cleavage-site that's an inserted part of the spike protein that is in both COVID & the transfections masquerading as vaccines is proof
@adam @Johncdvorak
Ma dernière trouvaille sur Etsy 😍 Un porte-clé en forme de fûrin (carillon japonais) et thématisé momiji (érable japonais). Ce sera parfait pour cet automne. Trouvé sur la boutique HoneyPillShop 😉🎐🍁
#Japon #carillon #érable #momiji #fûrin #porteclé #日本文化 #紅葉 #風鈴 #パリ #フランス
#japon #carillon #erable #momiji #furin #portecle #日本文化 #紅葉 #風鈴 #パリ #フランス
@cmurda @Johncdvorak I do...
Read this study about how genetically targeted #Sars-Cov2 is. It's clearly a bioweapon with the #furin cleavage site tailored for human epitopes.
The summary is that it's a genetically targeted weapon.
In 2015 a Chinese General accused an unnamed nation of attacking China with such a #bioweapon, targeting Han Chinese genotypes. Not sure how to verify that claim, any article on it could be claimed as propaganda.