For #GivingTuesday, please consider making a donation to the wonderful folks at the #IqaluitHumaneSociety (they keep doing the impossible for northern dogs...and they found and saved our #Corbin!), #FurrGetMeNotCatHaven (who are in the neverending fight to deal with the stray cat population around here...and found and saved our #Mabel!), AND/OR #PennyLaneFarmSanctuary (which is run by my lovely family and a lovely, caring home to over a hundred animals!). <3
#givingtuesday #iqaluithumanesociety #corbin #furrgetmenotcathaven #mabel #pennylanefarmsanctuary
#QueenMabel is an indoor cat with harness and leash privileges…it’s finally getting below zero here in #OttCity, so we’ve broken out her two coats: this one and a heavier one.
She’s a solid, fluffy girl but she gets cold eventually so harness, coat, and leash! 😸
(She looks pissy in the photo because I was taking her photo instead of taking her and #KingCorb outside.)
#AdoptDontShop #Vanier #FurrGetMeNotCatHaven #IqaluitHumaneSociety
#queenmabel #ottcity #kingcorb #adoptdontshop #vanier #furrgetmenotcathaven #iqaluithumanesociety