Conservationists from the Friends of the Ocean wildlife relief group and Club Boomerang, a Sakhalin regional organization, counted more than 300 bodies of the dead marine mammals during an expedition to the island, saying they had “never seen anything like it.” #TyuleniyIsland #Sakhalin #FurSeals
Russian Ecologists Raise Alarm Over Unexplained Seal Die-Off in Far East - The Moscow Times
#furseals #sakhalin #tyuleniyisland
in the relatively short amount of time that’s left between now and 2030,” says Bransome.
The three proposed areas — in #EastAntarctic, the #WeddellSea and the #AntarcticPeninsula — would not just help krill but conserve habitat and protect biodiversity for a huge range of the region’s species.
“Adélie and chinstrap #penguins get almost all of their calories from krill,” says Bransome. “Other predators that would benefit include #CrabeaterSeals, #FurSeals, #GentooPenguins, and #whales,
#whales #gentoopenguins #furseals #crabeaterseals #penguins #antarcticpeninsula #WeddellSea #eastantarctic
Nice trip today #DoubtfulSound #BottlenoseDolphin #FurSeals
#doubtfulsound #bottlenosedolphin #furseals
Still craving fish?
This video of rescuing entangled seals has got to change your mind about eating fish and even the so called sport of fishing. Lost recreational fishing tackle not only commercial tackle also entangles various animals.
#OceanConservationNamibia #Entanglement #FurSeals #Fishing #Wildlife #MarineLife #Freshwater #Rescue
(Alt text - entangled fur seal)
#oceanconservationnamibia #entanglement #furseals #fishing #wildlife #marinelife #Freshwater #rescue
[GRAPHIC] Entangled Seal Barely Alive
Is it really worth it to keep fish on your menu?
#OCN #OceanConservationNamibia #FurSeals #Entanglement #Fish #Fishing #PlasticPollution
(Alt text - baby fur seal badly cut from entanglement of commercial fishing line)
#plasticpollution #fishing #fish #entanglement #furseals #oceanconservationnamibia #ocn
[GRAPHIC] Entangled Seal Barely Alive
Is really worth it to keep fish on your menu?
#OCN #OceanConservationNamibia #FurSeals #Entanglement #Fish #Fishing #PlasticPollution
(Alt text - baby fur seal badly cut from entanglement of commercial fishing line)
#plasticpollution #fishing #fish #entanglement #furseals #oceanconservationnamibia #ocn
The Ocean Conservation Namibia organization is a true influencer. They rescue entangled fur seals on the coast of Namibia. The animals are trapped and injured by illegal gill nets, commercial and recreational fish tackle and discarded plastic items. After viewing their videos OCN can definitely impact your thoughts about consuming fish. Do you want fish in your diet?
#OCN #OceanConservationNamibia #FurSeals #Entanglement #Fisheries #Fishing #Fish #Food #Diet
#diet #food #fish #fishing #fisheries #entanglement #furseals #oceanconservationnamibia #ocn
Commercial #SalmonFarming is harmful to #fish, #wildanimals, & the #environment. It’s time to pull these operations from #Tasmania|n waters and ban the use of deadly wildlife deterrents responsible for killing protected #FurSeals. #Respect4Fish
#respect4fish #furseals #tasmania #environment #WildAnimals #fish #salmonfarming