Mr.Trunk · @mrtrunk
3 followers · 3536 posts · Server
Queer Lit Cats · @QLC
286 followers · 10585 posts · Server
Hakai Magazine · @hakaimagazine
541 followers · 52 posts · Server

Although historians believed there was once a clandestine trade in fur seal pelts between Australia and China, it was difficult to confirm. But the genes of stowaway mice and rats revealed the truth centuries later. 🧬🐀

#rats #mice #seals #rat #mouse #seal #China #NewZealand #furtrade #dna #mystery #history #shipping

Last updated 2 years ago

Brian Gettler · @brian_gettler
696 followers · 671 posts · Server

I spoke with Don Pittis, the journalist who wrote this CBC article on , , and , re: my research on beaver currency in the in . @histodons

"High inflation is coming for the beaver on your money. How long can the nickel last?"

#histodons #cdnhist #Canada #furtrade #history #money #inflation

Last updated 2 years ago

Brian Gettler · @brian_gettler
696 followers · 671 posts · Server

Paper on promissory notes in Red River Colony. @histodons

Michael Ryan, "Paper Money of a 'Peculiar Character': The Notes of the Hudson's Bay Company, 1820-1870" (2022)

#histodons #numismatics #money #history #furtrade #cdnhist #Canada #hbc

Last updated 2 years ago

YORK FACTORY EXPRESS: :Landmarks on the Echimamish River," It is only by reading the journals of English explorers, who followed the paths the HBC men travelled, that you discover what these places were like. We begin here with "The Painted Stone Portage," which all of us who study and understand is a major landmark on the old HBC route -- so here is Sir John Franklin's experience in 1819. Or follow my blog for more.

#mb #mbhistory #canadian #furtrade #history

Last updated 2 years ago

Peter Fokes · @lowkey
140 followers · 49 posts · Server

Until 1670, when Charles II gave Acadia back to France in exchange for a handful of Caribbean islands, England ruled the Bay of Fundy. That rule never amounted to much. Appointed governor of “Acadia, commonly called Nova Scotia,” by Oliver Cromwell, Thomas Temple spent most of his time and energy asserting his personal rights to the fur trade.

The Acadian Diaspora
Christopher Hodson

#furtrade #novascotia #acadia #Diaspora

Last updated 2 years ago

I used to dislike the and for some time I have thought is the only way to go (I'm even reconsidering whether it is right to buy real leather shoes). Then I started looking after (we've had 3 in all though Miko is our only one currently) and now I find the idea of fur so abhorrent that it actually makes me feel sick thinking about it. There is only one proper place for Miko's fur and that is being worn by Miko.

#furtrade #FauxFur #chinchillas

Last updated 2 years ago

Brian Gettler · @brian_gettler
356 followers · 200 posts · Server

The archival description of this photo is frustratingly vague - I have never been able to identify the individual pictured. He is from and I suspect he is feeding the in connection with the Beaver Sanctuary, ca. 1941-1957.

#histodons #envhist #furtrade #cdnhist #histqc #Canada #quebec #histoire #history #peribonka #beaver #mashteuiatsh #innu

Last updated 2 years ago

ÍY SȻÁĆEL Rachel · @Si_Si_Gwa_d
37 followers · 31 posts · Server

Looking to reconnect - Heard a family rumour, but aren’t sure where to start? Willing to do the work?

Visit the Hudson’s Bay Archives online to find family names/locations/employee records, etc. to help get started on your journey:

Plan for at least 5 years of research, lots of dead-ends, and a couple of miracles. Expect a lifetime of learning, (re)connecting, hard work, paradigm shifts, returning to the land and community.

#metis #genealogy #michif #furtrade #indigenous

Last updated 2 years ago