@MarcusStensmyr @MarcusStensmyr

Good. It is becoming clear that this zoo will be held to account. The animals have no voice. We must speak up on their behalf.

#chimpanzees #furuvikzoo

Last updated 2 years ago

EU action on Swedish Zoo chimpanzee mistreatment: if you are living in the EU please contact this organisation and make your concerns known:


Reference the EAZA zoo association (mentioned in my earlier posts) and the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and please demand that licence should be removed from the Furuvik zoo.

I explored various channels for action today. If you think of others, please suggest them.

#chimpanzees #furuvikzoo #eaza #IUCN

Last updated 2 years ago

To Instituto Jane Goodall España: info@janegoodall.es

"Debe estar al tanto de la noticia que se desarrolla en Suecia con respecto a los chimpancés que han recibido disparos y la continua incapacidad del parque zoológico para controlar la situación (¡incluido un animal herido que aún está desatendido!)"


"Ahora descubro que este parque es miembro de EAZA. Necesita que le revoquen su licencia. ¿Que estais haciendo sobre este tema?"

#chimpanzees #furuvikzoo #eaza #IUCN

Last updated 2 years ago

International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN):

"You must be aware of the news story developing in Sweden... including one injured animal still unattended!

"The Furuvik zoo near Gävle needs to have its licence revoked. This zoo is a member of EAZA, which is in turn associated with your organisation, IUCN.

"I am passing the details of your organization to the press, as they will be interested to know how this degree of failure can be justified."

#chimpanzees #furuvikzoo #eaza #IUCN

Last updated 2 years ago

"About EAZA: The European Association of Zoos and Aquaria is the membership organisation for progressive zoos and aquariums across Europe, Western Asia and beyond. With more than 400 Members in nearly 50 countries, EAZA is the largest regional zoo and aquarium organisation in the world. ... "

"EAZA is a member of the
International Union for the Conservation of Nature."

#chimpanzees #furuvikzoo #eaza

Last updated 2 years ago


Progress! I have discovered that the Furuvik zoo near Gävle in Sweden is a member of EAZA, the European Association of Zoos and Aquaria.

Here are the contact details: Email: info@eaza.net Phone:
+31 20 520 0750 For any press or media-related enquiries, please contact press@eaza.net.

You know what to do! I am writing to them now and also passing their details to the Guardian newspaper.

#chimpanzees #furuvikzoo #eaza

Last updated 2 years ago

Progress! I have discovered that the Furuvik zoo near Gävle in Sweden is a member of EAZA, the European Association of Zoos and Aquaria.

Here are the contact details: Email: info@eaza.net Phone:
+31 20 520 0750 For any press or media-related enquiries, please contact press@eaza.net.

You know what to do! I am writing to them now and also passing their details to the Guardian newspaper.

#chimpanzees #furuvikzoo #eaza

Last updated 2 years ago


I have been working on this all day and I have a lead: I have discovered that the Furuvik zoo near Gävle in Sweden is a member of EAZA, the European Association of Zoos and Aquaria.

Here are contact details: Email: info@eaza.net Phone:
+31 20 520 0750 For any press or media-related enquiries, please contact press@eaza.net.

You know what to do! I am writing to them now and also passing details to the Guardian newspaper. The zoo must be shut down

#chimpanzees #furuvikzoo #eaza

Last updated 2 years ago

Progress! I have discovered that the Furuvik zoo near Gävle in Sweden is a member of EAZA, the European Association of Zoos and Aquaria.

Here are the contact details: Email: info@eaza.net Phone:
+31 20 520 0750 For any press or media-related enquiries, please contact press@eaza.net.

You know what to do! I am writing to them now and also passing their details to the Guardian newspaper.

#chimpanzees #furuvikzoo #eaza

Last updated 2 years ago