« [L]a FUS est une propriété sans propriétaire. Plutôt que de bénéficier à une personne ou une organisation, la #FUS est un bien affecté à une vocation d’intérêt général. La préservation de l’#environnement peut justement être l’une de ces vocations ! »
La #FiducieDUtilitéSociale : un outil pour protéger les #MilieuxNaturels
#fus #environnement #fiduciedutilitesociale #milieuxnaturels #territoireqc #environnementqc #naturequebec
[Automatic repost https://twitter.com/dystobot/status/1651439835561828354]
RT @DorisWangLab: Before and after focused ultrasound for 1) tremor-dominant Parkinson’s disease and 2) dystonic tremor. Slightly different targets but great outcomes in both! #fus #hifu #tremor #learnsomethingnew @NeurosurgUCSF @UCSFimaging @UCSFHospitals https://t.co/RHPVSqfTN2
#fus #hifu #tremor #learnsomethingnew
📣 Calling all fUS neuroscientists! We are excited to share a draft for a Bids extension proposal for standardization of functional ultrasound imaging datasets. 🧠
#fUS #standardization #neuroscience #BIDS we would love to hear your feedback.
We will also plan a Zoom session soon to discuss further the doc, stay tuned !
#bids #neuroscience #standardization #fus
Alright let's wake up and play the American hardcore classic "My America" by the F.U.s. In my head, this is the last F.U.s album. It is perfect. #NowPlaying #hardcore #AmericanHardcore #BostonHardcore #vinyl #FUs
#nowplaying #hardcore #americanhardcore #bostonhardcore #vinyl #fus
Alright out of the big bands on "This Is Boston Not L.A." who is the best on that record?
And there's no 5th option or I would put The Proletariat of course- but - sonic wise they don't really fit, they were much more postpunk than Boston HC. So I guess the poll is the best Hardcore band?
#BostonHC #hardcore #punk #Boston #ThisIsBostonNotLA #compilation #GangGreen #FUs #JerrysKids #TheFreeze #ThisIsBostonNotLA
#bostonhc #hardcore #punk #boston #thisisbostonnotla #compilation #ganggreen #fus #jerryskids #thefreeze
Out of all the awesome Boston hardcore bands I think the F.U.s were the best. Great tempo changes, a flair for non typical riffs, a great singer, the best drummer...this isn't their best, that works be My America. This is pretty good though! Their reunion record they just put out is awful imo. Sorry. And also while their semi-ironic pro America stance was hilarious in HC orthodoxy now it's a case of...read the room fellas. Still. #NowPlaying #BostonHC #FUs #vinyl #records
#nowplaying #bostonhc #fus #vinyl #records
[Automatic repost https://twitter.com/dystobot/status/1630129399847632898]
RT @SugarlipsN: I hope to have FUS brain surgery in Canada one day to help my Dystonia. One day…
#dystonia #fus #Neurology #Neurosurgery #Canada https://t.co/rI0U2k0BQI
#dystonia #fus #Neurology #neurosurgery #canada
I Was Trapped in a Closet and Forced to Play Skyrim
I mean, there must be some reason why I was unable to play any other game until I played through Skyrim and all three of its expansions...
#OpenWorldRPG #Skyrim #bethesda #Dawnguard #dlc #Dragonborn #Fus-Ro-Da
#openworldrpg #skyrim #bethesda #dawnguard #dlc #dragonborn #fus
~ Flyer Friday ~
lots of great gigs happening in Leeds
#MortuarySpawn #CoffinMulch #StiffMeds #Migraines #GorillaCake #Keno #FAxFO #TheAnnihilated #TSWarspite #LastOrders #Churchgoers #Fixer #Motive #Distort #TheSocial #Geval #BloodFeud #PestControl #LawfulKilling #Fate #DRI #Pegboy #TheFlex #MDC #ToxicReasons #FUs #Rivalry #TheSexManiacs #Voorhees #TheWelchBoys #ZeroAgain #FastBlood #DamagedGoodsLeeds #BoomLeeds #UKHC #LeedsGigs #FlyerFriday
#mortuaryspawn #coffinmulch #stiffmeds #migraines #gorillacake #keno #faxfo #theannihilated #tswarspite #lastorders #churchgoers #fixer #motive #distort #thesocial #geval #bloodfeud #pestcontrol #lawfulkilling #fate #dri #pegboy #theflex #mdc #toxicreasons #fus #rivalry #thesexmaniacs #voorhees #thewelchboys #zeroagain #fastblood #damagedgoodsleeds #boomleeds #ukhc #leedsgigs #flyerfriday