Next up is Saving 80,000 Gold in Another World for my Retirement. I’m intrigued by this because it’s the isekai I can remember since maybe #FushigiYugi or #MagicKnightRayearth where the main characters can go home.
As the title suggests, Mitsuha can jump back and forth and is going to do stuff like introducing new tech to the other world so she can bring money back to this world.
#saving80000goldinanotherworldformyretirement (since the hashtag popped up, someone else must be talking about it).
#fushigiyugi #magicknightrayearth #saving80000goldinanotherworldformyretirement
[Manga] Yuu Watase retomará el manga Fushigi Yūgi: Byakko Senki en otoño de 2023
#FushigiYugi #MonthlyFlowers #YuuWatase
#fushigiyugi #MonthlyFlowers #yuuwatase