Könnte man auch in Science Fiction Filmen als Raumschiff wiederverwenden.
Can anyone recommend some #fusion360 tutorials that aren't videos? Good books, wikis, etc? I've found that videos are the worst way to learn anything, so I'm hoping to avoid them entirely.
I did some weird hacky stuff to get here and I’m sick of fighting #Fusion360 while trying to put zip-tie holes in. I think my model is almost but not quite rectangular.
Double-sided tape it is.
Also ich habe jetzt eine Menge Dinge über #Fusion360 rausgefunden, besonders wie man Objekte um andere wickeln kann. Nach langem probieren habe ich festgestellt, dass ein Kugelschnitt für meinen Fall erheblich einfacher geht. 😆
Zumindest bekomme ich so etwas mehr Praxis.
Mein Gitterkorb wird ein Y-Flechtkorb.
Ich folge der Empfehlung @adorfer das Design so zu wählen, nur 45° Überhänge zu haben, um keine Stützstrukturen zu benötigen.
#Fusion360 just crashed and now the error-reporting popup is taunting me with the unsaved work behind it.
The 10 open files in #Fusion360 feels incredibly silly to me. Like anyone is really going to go from $0/year to $545/year just to be able to have 11 files open. #3DPrinting
#TinkerCAD is not advanced or difficult to use, which it gets a lot of hate for, but it is actually amazing.
My cousin recently got a printer. The hype lasted a month, and now it is only collecting dust. When I got my printer, I printed a single spool in the first year. 3 in the second year, and now, in the third year, I gave up counting. The difference was that I started to design my own stuff, and my cousin has now run out of stuff on Printables.
The biggest hindrance to 3D printing is the desire to design and print your own things. I had a lot of experience with Blender and played with SketchUp when it just came out and still belonged to Google.
TinkerCAD is often the goto tool for beginners. If we didn't have it, newbies would need to go to #Fusion360 or #onShape, which could be intimidating.
TinkerCAD is an underappreciated pilar of the 3D printing community.
#tinkercad #fusion360 #onshape #3dprinting
One of my favorites parts of #3dprinting is designing very specialized solutions to problems around the house. The biggest thing that keeps me from moving from #fusion360 to #freecad for this work is that I have fun with the former and not with the latter.
I don't know why... But it's enough to keep me using software that is cloud dependent, doesn't run on my OS, and is full of irritating autodesk imposed limitations.
How do I have more fun in Freecad?
#freecad #fusion360 #3dprinting
#Autodesk is reaching #Adobe levels of fucking bullshit. Somehow my #fusion360 is “expired” now even though it’s still active in my account…
With that said that model seems like its been remixed a lot by different folks using different techniques, so I'll probably take some measurements and design my own in #Fusion360 at some point. Gotta have clean lines. :-) #3DPrinting #3Dmodeling
#fusion360 #3dprinting #3dmodeling
A small first step in a #Fusion360 learning journey - a little frame for a small piece of art my partner got for me recently. #3Dprinting
TFW you imported a STEP file into #Fusion360 and then started working without enabling Capture Design History.
Das schöne am Sommerloch, man hat viel Zeit.Heute mal den Tag damit verbracht, aus nem gruseligen jpeg Logo was vernünftiges in #fusion360 #bloodynoob zu bauen was auf den Drucker soll. Bin gespannt... #3dprinting
#fusion360 #bloodynoob #3dprinting
..and this is the parameter-driven pot in #Fusion360. Great starting point for learning surface modelling, until now I'd only been using solid modelling.
I followed this tutorial and modified it a bit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7BO8SH_fPfI
Recommended if you want to learn some basics for #3dprinting
So the #3DPrinting problem I was having was the hull line, thanks to @Stark9837 for helping with that.
Tried many things, in the end remodelling it using shell in #fusion360, and giving it a thin base printed perfectly :)
Of course i forgot to check the final sizes and it's too small now 🙃
Previous issue:
I put a lot of work into V1 of my Robot Arm, but now it's time to say goodbye! Toward V2! #fusion360
I like to build my own furniture. Where possible I use Blum hinges and other items from their ecosystem, only their push to open brackets didn’t fit my needs. So, on to #Fusion360 again, make a prototype on the #BambuLab , do some adjustments and print the final product #3DPrinting . It’s nice to have the ability to make parts you otherwise couldn’t get. @3dprinting
#3dprinting #BambuLab #fusion360