"CIAC’s mission is “preventing acts of #terrorism, taking an all-crimes/all-threats approach,” according to the agency’s website. It’s not clear how the #student walkouts relate to this mission. Experts have long criticized #fusioncenters like CIAC for operating with broad authorities and little oversight". https://theintercept.com/2023/04/05/colorado-student-gun-violence-protest/?eType=EmailBlastContent&eId=34de474a-2846-4c84-a272-657dee77ac08
#terrorism #student #fusioncenters
Brennan Center Report - Ending Fusion Center Abuses. The federal government provides state and local intelligence hubs with funding, personnel, and database access — all without adequate oversight. #FusionCenters #Surveillance #Privacy #CivilRights #CivilLiberties #FirstAmendment #EnvironmentalJustice #RacialJustice #Healthcare #AbortionCare #DHS DOD #FBI https://www.brennancenter.org/our-work/policy-solutions/ending-fusion-center-abuses
#fusioncenters #surveillance #privacy #civilrights #civilliberties #FirstAmendment #environmentaljustice #racialjustice #healthcare #abortioncare #dhs #fbi
"A jury in Maine awarded a now-retired state trooper $300,000 Friday after finding that the state police retaliated against him when he raised concerns about the agency's #intelligence gathering work."
#FusionCenters haven't lived up to their promise and part of that is because every state was allowed to build, staff, and run theirs how they wanted, sometimes without regard to oversight or competence.
Looking for good examples of bills regulating #fusioncenters for introduction in #MAleg #MApoli