🚀 Power Platform as Connected Service for Visual Studio is now Generally Available! 🎉
🪄 Make sure to check out this awesome feature, where you can deploy and test your API right from Visual Studio!
🔗 https://devblogs.microsoft.com/powerplatform/power-platform-as-connected-service-for-visual-studio-is-generally-available/
#️⃣ #FusionDev #CustomConnectors #PowerPlatform #PowerApps #PowerAddicts
#fusiondev #customconnectors #powerplatform #PowerApps #PowerAddicts
⚡️ Create a Web API and create a custom connector in one go from Visual Studio?
👉 Check out this new feature where you can do just that!
🔗 Blog by Marcel Ferreira: https://powerapps.microsoft.com/blog/create-a-custom-connector-for-your-web-api-from-within-visual-studio/
📺 Link to video by Scott Durow: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hzXBDBj3JUg
👏 Congrats to Julia Kasper and team for releasing this feature!
#️⃣ #PowerPlatform #FusionDev #dotNET
#powerplatform #fusiondev #dotnet
🎙️ I'm very proud to be part of VS Code Day this year together with @kkanakas!
👨🏻💻 Our session will highlight pro-code features in a low code world!
🔗 Don't miss out and register here: https://aka.ms/VSCodeDay2023
#️⃣ #VSCodeDay2023 #FusionDev #ProCode #LowCode #PowerAddicts #FlowFam
#vscodeday2023 #fusiondev #procode #lowcode #PowerAddicts #flowfam
🚀 Here's another episode in the Power Platform CLI Exposed series!
⚙️ Prabhat Pandey will tell us all about Power Platform CLI pipeline command group!
⚡️ But, that's not all! He also shows us what the architecture of the pipelines is!
🔗 Check out the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E3YjxfM0tmg
#️⃣ #PowerPlatform #Pipelines #PowerPlatformCLI #FusionDev #LowCode #ProCode
#powerplatform #pipelines #powerplatformcli #fusiondev #lowcode #procode
🔜 A new episode of the Low Code Revolution will be out soon!
👨🏻💻 Prabhat Pandey is our guest and he will talk about Power Platform CLI & Pipelines.
⚙️ He will also show the piplines for Power Platform architecture - so don't miss this!
#️⃣ #PowerPlatform #FusionDev #Pipelines #LowCode #ProCode
#powerplatform #fusiondev #pipelines #lowcode #procode
👉 Before, I showed how to create an app based on a connector.
⚙️ Today I'll show you how to configure that app.
⬇️ Open the msapp file that is created by the 'pac canvas create' command and add the connector to the app.
↗️ Share the app with the people that need to know more about the connector, and you're done! 🥳
🔗 Learn more about pac canvas create: https://buff.ly/3zaHa0a
#️⃣ #PowerPlatform #PowerApps #FusionDev #LowCode #ProCode
#powerplatform #PowerApps #fusiondev #lowcode #procode
🔌 Imagine having a custom connector deployed to your environment...
👩🏾💻 What if you want to share the capabilities of it with the citizen developers in your org?
⚡️ You can generate an app from the command line, with 'pac canvas create'!
🔗 Learn more: https://aka.ms/pac/canvas#pac-canvas-create
#️⃣ #PowerPlatform #FusionDev #LowCode #ProCode #CustomConnectors
#powerplatform #fusiondev #lowcode #procode #customconnectors
👀 Have you ever tried creating a custom connector for the Power Platform via the UI, but you would prefer to do it via a CLI?
➕ That's where the 'pac connector create' command comes in!
👉 Just reference the properties file and the definition (swagger) file and you're good to go!
🔗 Learn more: https://aka.ms/pac/connector#pac-connector-create
#️⃣ #PowerPlatform #FusionDev #ProCode #LowCode
#powerplatform #fusiondev #procode #lowcode
⚡️ Power Platform CLI has preview commands available for working with Custom Connectors.
🎬 One of these commands is the 'pac connector init' command. It will generate a properties file for you with all the properties you need for the custom connector.
🚀 There are multiple templates for the properties file based on the type of authentication you choose (like for instance NoAuth, ApiKey or OAuthAAD).
#️⃣ #PowerPlatform #FusionDev #CustomConnectors #Connectors #LowCode
#powerplatform #fusiondev #customconnectors #connectors #lowcode
👀 Still very much impressed by GitHub Codespaces...
🚀 Being able to create a Codespace, install a VS Code extension and use a CLI in less than 1 minute still blows my mind 🤯
#powerplatform #Codespaces #github #fusiondev
🚀 Releasing the February Update for the Power Platform CLI ⚡️
Check out the new features, like:
🤫 Less Noisy solution.xml
🆕 Pac org fetch command
🆕 Pac admin status command
📖 Read all about it in the blog by Kartik Kanakasabesan: https://dev.to/kkanakas/releasing-the-february-update-for-the-power-platform-cli-40gn
#️⃣ #FusionDev #ProCode #PowerPlatform #LowCode
#fusiondev #procode #powerplatform #lowcode
🆕 New Power Platform CLI version! 🎉
👉 New connector updates: Create/Update permit setting values via settings file
👉 Tons of PAPortal updates 🔥
👉 New Verb in preview: "org fetch" to perform FetchXML query against Dataverse
👉 Admin async operation improvements
🔗 Check out all release notes here: https://www.nuget.org/packages/Microsoft.PowerApps.CLI#release-body-tab
#️⃣ #PowerPlatform #Connectors #FusionDev #PowerPortals #Dataverse
#powerplatform #connectors #fusiondev #powerportals #Dataverse
✍️ Don't miss out on this great blog by Kartik Kanakasabesan about GitHub Actions for the Microsoft Power Platform!
🔗 https://dev.to/powerplatform/new-github-sample-workflows-for-power-platform-81m
#️⃣ #PowerPlatform #PowerfulDevs #FusionDev #PowerAddicts #FlowFam
#powerplatform #powerfuldevs #fusiondev #PowerAddicts #flowfam