Fusion Party Australia · @FusionPartyAus
80 followers · 61 posts · Server mastodon.au

🔍💰 Big Fossil Fuel Donations & Dark Money in Aussie Politics. $62.2m undisclosed! Yet the majority of Aussie voters continue electing them in regardless! 😱💔

Major parties have received massive donations from fossil fuel giants, raising concerns about their commitment to the environment. And let's not forget the $62.2m in undisclosed dark money flowing between them! It's time for transparency and accountability!

🔔 Join the movement! Share this post to spread awareness about the significant fossil fuel donations and the undisclosed dark money permeating Australian politics. Together, let's demand openness, integrity, and a commitment to a sustainable future for our beautiful country! 🌏💚


Our policy:

#cleanpoliticsnow #transparencymatters #climateaction #ourfutureourchoice #breakthesilence #ethicalgovernance #auspol #fusionparty #votefusion #fusion #climateemergency

Last updated 1 year ago

Angus L-P · @TOKSIKalp
6 followers · 137 posts · Server mastodon.au

Hey everyone, I'm participating in the @FusionPartyAus 2023 member drive.

Fusion party was founded in 2021, we are a merger of the Pirate Party Australia, Science Party, the Secular Party, Vote Planet and Climate Change Justice party.

Our fusion has expanded our knowledge base and strengthened our organisational capacity, bringing together like-minded people from across the continent.

Fusion brings compassionate, evidence-informed policy to the voters of Australia.

Confronting the climate emergency and reversing global warming are critical for our continued prosperity and happiness. Public education, healthcare and scientific research are important investments in our long-term future. Policy should empower citizens, promoting rights and freedoms—including in the digital spaces that are now part of our everyday lives.

Community consultation is also one of our top priorities, and we strive to embody the transparent and accountable democracy we want for our nation.

We are committed to the following six values: Individual Freedom, Advancement, Deep Ecology, Safety, Ethical Conduct an Equity.

Fusion is run entirely by volunteers, ordinary people like you and I facing the same issues, from all different backgrounds.

They have policies covering: Climate Emergency, Future Focused, Education for Life, Ethical Governance, Fair + Inclusive Society, Individual Freedoms, Ecological Restoration, Civil + Digital Liberties, Secular Humanism, Fair Foreign Policy, Drug Reform and more.

If you want to have your voice heard, show support, have policy ideas or just want to make a difference then join us now, and use this link so I can make it to the top of the leaderboard:


Also join us on Discord where we are highly active and chat.

#australia #auspol #fusionparty #community #government #politics #climateemergency #science #evidence #data #society #policy #education #volunteer #equity #democracy #healthcare #research #rights #voice #ethics

Last updated 1 year ago

Fusion Party Australia · @FusionPartyAus
72 followers · 53 posts · Server mastodon.au

Have you ever wondered how votes are counted in Australia? Well, it's a bit different from other countries! Australia uses a preferential voting system, which means that voters rank the candidates in order of preference on their ballot paper.

When the votes are counted, the first preference votes are tallied up. If a candidate has over 50% of the votes, they win outright. If not, the candidate with the fewest votes is eliminated, and their second preference votes are distributed to the remaining candidates. Your second preference and so on carries the full value of your vote.

This process of elimination and preference distribution continues until one candidate has over 50% of the votes and is declared the winner. This means that even if your first preference candidate doesn't win, your vote can still have an impact on the outcome.

So next time you vote in an Australian election, remember to rank your preferred candidates in order of preference. Your vote could make all the difference!

Our website and policies:


AEC how votes are counted and preferential voting:



Educational links:



#australiavotes #fusion #fusionparty #votefusion #auspol #government #ethicalgovernance #education #politics #election #yourvotematters #preferentialvoting

Last updated 2 years ago

Fusion Party Australia · @FusionPartyAus
72 followers · 52 posts · Server mastodon.au

Early voting for the Aston by-election starts on Monday 20th March! Everyone who is eligible to vote in the electorate of Aston must vote by the 1st of April.

Voting in Australia is a straightforward process:

- Find your most convenient polling place: Check the Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) website (aec.gov.au/aston) or call the AEC (13 23 26).

- Get your name marked off: Once you arrive at the polling place, an AEC worker will check your name on the electoral roll. You do NOT need to provide identification at the polling place.

- Get your ballot paper: An AEC worker will give you a ballot paper which lists all the candidates who are running for the House of Representatives in your electorate.

- Number your candidates: Starting with the number “1” for your most preferred candidate, number the boxes next to the candidates in order of your preference. You must number every box on the ballot paper for your vote to be valid.

- Submit your ballot paper: After you have numbered all the boxes on the ballot paper, fold the paper and place it in the ballot box.

Remember, voting is not only your right as an Australian citizen, it's also your responsibility. So make sure you have your say and participate in shaping the future of your community. For more information on how to vote in the upcoming elections, visit the AEC website.

Our website and policies:


AEC HoR how to vote:


#australiavotes #fusion #fusionparty #votefusion #auspol #government #ethicalgovernance #education #politics #election #houseofrepresentatives #yourvotematters #astonvotes #astonvotes2023 #astonishingaston

Last updated 2 years ago

Fusion Party Australia · @FusionPartyAus
68 followers · 40 posts · Server mastodon.au

Join the Zoom Q&A and monthly meeting today (Wed 01/03) at 7pm AEDT, it's less than half an hour away.
You will get to hear Owen's Aston by-election announcement, chat with the Policy Development Committee and get an introduction to Fusion's core values.

RSVP for the meeting link: fusionparty.org.au/meeting2023

#auspol #fusionparty #votefusion #fusion #meeting #aston #melbourne #victoria #australia #policy #values

Last updated 2 years ago

Fusion Party Australia · @FusionPartyAus
67 followers · 35 posts · Server mastodon.au

Speech is the cornerstone of the enlightenment and the safeguard for all other liberties, protecting not just the right to speak, but the right to hear, understand, and judge the ideas of others.

Free speech underpins our ability to think, create, innovate and progress.

Using the term “freedom of speech” does not justify harassment, abuse, vilification or libel etc.

Fusion pushes for removal of censorship, blasphemy, and other laws against speech.

Our policy:


#australiavotes #fusion #fusionparty #auspol #individualfreedom #freedomofspeech #freespeech #australia #speech

Last updated 2 years ago

Fusion Party Australia · @FusionPartyAus
67 followers · 35 posts · Server mastodon.au

Transitioning to negative emissions only requires demonstration that the technology is available, economical, and reliable.

Beginning the path to zero emissions in 10 years will ensure that we are well-placed to minimise global warming, and create an economic boom as new sectors emerge to support and utilise the new economy.

We support:

- Setting a target for net zero emissions in 10 years, with negative emissions, carbon drawdown, to follow.
- Building the renewable replacement for the fossil-fuel grid.
- + Much more!

Our policy:


Read more here:


#fusion #fusionparty #auspol #australiavotes #climatesolutions #climateaction #climatechange #climateemergency #climatejustice #negativeemissions #netzero #globalwarming #renewableenergy #zeroemissions #australia

Last updated 2 years ago

Fusion Party Australia · @FusionPartyAus
67 followers · 35 posts · Server mastodon.au

There is great potential for Australia by understanding and planning for where the country will be in 50 years.
By detecting and readying ourselves to take advantage of emerging trends we can develop new economies, build resilience against threats, and take control of our fate.

Fusion supports:

- Creating a minister for the future to ensure the long-term consequences of all policies are assessed and considered.
- Investing in research into new medicines and techniques to improve health and healthy lifespan.
- Developing manufacturing districts for industries of the future such as space, renewable energy, and quantum and biological computing.

Our policy:


#fusion #fusionparty #auspol #australiavotes #australia #futurefocused #future #longterm #vision #research #manufacture

Last updated 2 years ago

Fusion Party Australia · @FusionPartyAus
67 followers · 35 posts · Server mastodon.au

A swift transition to zero emissions across every sector requires urgent work in the area of transport.

Electric vehicle batteries have the added bonus of being able to stabilise the grid during peak demand.

Fusion strongly advocates:

- All governments replace their fleets with electric vehicles.
- Roll out a nationally coordinated electric vehicle charging network.
- Remove the luxury tax from electric vehicles.
- High speed rail from Melbourne to Brisbane.
- Facilitate financing for purchase of electric vehicles, based on savings accrued.
- Continue to invest in green hydrogen and other zero emissions liquid fuels as a potential future zero emissions heavy vehicle and flight fuel.

Our policy:


#fusion #fusionparty #auspol #australiavotes #climatesolutions #climateaction #climatechange #climateemergency #climatejustice #electricvehicles #australia

Last updated 2 years ago

Fusion Party Australia · @FusionPartyAus
67 followers · 35 posts · Server mastodon.au

Australia is ideally placed to take advantage of the transition to clean energy - our large continent and variety of renewable sources ensures that we can generate far more energy than we need, to export clean energy and energy intensive products to the world.

Leadership and collaboration with the international community are required in order to reduce greenhouse concentrations globally.

We support:

- Setting an 800% renewable energy target, and establish a national grid to distribute renewable energy.
- Build and incentivise clean energy export markets, and disincentivise greenhouse-intensive imports and products.
- Investing in research and development, to accelerate the transition away from fossil fuels, and make Australia the global leader in clean technology.

Our policy:


#fusion #fusionparty #auspol #auspol2022 #australiavotes #climatesolutions #climateaction #climatechange #climateemergency #climatejustice #renewableenergy #800percentrenewables #cleanenergy #cleantechnology #australia

Last updated 2 years ago

Fusion Party Australia · @FusionPartyAus
67 followers · 35 posts · Server mastodon.au
Fusion Party Australia · @FusionPartyAus
49 followers · 20 posts · Server mastodon.au

A note from long-term organiser and 2022 Fusion candidate, Ian Bryce
"I have been posting ribbons on St Mary's for over a week now, with small bands of helpers.

Note the ribbon held by the statue of Mary MacKillop – she was fired for exposing pedophilia all that time ago – I think she would approve.

The Cathedral staff took to following me around and cutting my ribbons off! Except for one section where I placed a sign saying they were part of the healing process.

And we met with Cathedral management! I suggested that (in the long term) we designate one area where they would leave ribbons. They have been receptive."

See also: theguardian.com/australia-news

#secular #stmarys #marymackillop #auspol #fusionparty #votefusion #fusion

Last updated 2 years ago

Fusion Party Australia · @FusionPartyAus
44 followers · 15 posts · Server mastodon.au

Our informative presentation and discussion with Dr Jo Lackenby is now online!

What are the medical and research applications of technology? What are the benefits and drawbacks of ? Watch it now and let us know what you think: youtube.com/watch?v=yA2fO3uliI

Be sure to subscribe to our Youtube channel to make sure you get notifications about new videos.

Whatever the future for nuclear fission, nuclear fusion research is a field that Australia should be at the forefront of. To make sure we don't lock ourselves out of future opportunities in fusion power, we support repealing the ban on nuclear energy. There is a parliamentary inquiry on the topic closing Monday 16th – add your voice! aph.gov.au/Parliamentary_Busin

#nuclear #nuclearpower #fusionparty #auspol #votefusion #nuclearenergy #futurefocused

Last updated 2 years ago

Fusion Party Australia · @FusionPartyAus
39 followers · 13 posts · Server mastodon.au

The rich parties keep getting richer, with the $75+ million funding bill from the election paid by you, the taxpayers.

Each candidate pays $2,000 to get their name on a federal election ballot paper. Candidates who win at least 4% of the first preference vote (number "1" vote) are reimbursed a few dollars per vote. If you win 3.99% of the primary vote, you lose your money.

This is money down the drain for small party candidates, who rarely get reimbursed, and an easy money-spinner for the major parties who know they can get their election expenses paid for. Despite this unfair advantage, voters are rejecting the major parties in record numbers.

The 4% threshold is an unfair barrier that widens the gap between new and established participants in our democracy. We argued against this 4% threshold for funding in our recent submission: fusionparty.org.au/submission_


#fusion #fusionparty #auspol #votefusion #australia #donations #funding #ethicalgovernance

Last updated 2 years ago

Fusion Party Australia · @FusionPartyAus
37 followers · 12 posts · Server mastodon.au

Medicare-covered psychology sessions were increased from 10 to 20 per year in 2020 during the early days of Covid. Despite the positive outcomes, the government wants to reduce that back to 10 sessions from the start of the new year.

This shows an appalling lack of concern for mental health.
A rational and compassionate country invests in the health of its people, and Australians need to be able to access health care regardless of the amount of money in their pocket.

We believe the recommendations in the Federal Government review should be implemented.



Mental health should be covered by Medicare:

Please sign this petition to make 20 Medicare-subsidised psychology sessions a permanent change:

Federal Government Review:

#fusion #fusionparty #auspol #votefusion #australia #medicare #mentalhealth #fairandinclusivesociety #universalpreventativehealthcare

Last updated 2 years ago

Fusion Party Australia · @FusionPartyAus
32 followers · 11 posts · Server mastodon.au
Fusion Party Australia · @FusionPartyAus
29 followers · 10 posts · Server mastodon.au

We’re going back to the moon! After a couple of delays, NASA’s Artemis I mission is underway, with the Space Launch System taking off a few hours ago.

More on the Artemis mission: nasa.gov/specials/artemis/

The Artemis Accords:


#fusion #fusionparty #auspol #votefusion #australia

Last updated 2 years ago

Fusion Party Australia · @FusionPartyAus
29 followers · 9 posts · Server mastodon.au

Australia was one of the first signatories to the Accords — a set of agreements for the peaceful and responsible exploration of the moon and our solar system. Pushing the boundaries of human knowledge benefits us all.

#artemis #artemislaunch #orion #votefusion #fusion #fusionparty #auspol #australia

Last updated 2 years ago

Fusion Party Australia · @FusionPartyAus
29 followers · 8 posts · Server mastodon.au

And many thanks to our outgoing committee members for their hard work:

- Roger Whatling, President & Secretary
- Miles Whiticker, National Campaigns Coordinator
- Kammy Cordner Hunt, Registered Officer

Read more about Fusion and its origins here:



#fusion #fusionparty #auspol #votefusion #australia

Last updated 2 years ago

Fusion Party Australia · @FusionPartyAus
29 followers · 7 posts · Server mastodon.au

Congratulations to our new committee members:

- @Saharkhalili , President
- @andrea__leong , Secretary
- Luke James, National Campaigns Coordinator
- Owen Miller, Registered Officer

And to our continuing committee members:

- Peter Johnson, Convenor
- Michael Maroske, Treasurer


#fusion #fusionparty #auspol #votefusion #australia

Last updated 2 years ago