Doing #good can feel #hopeless, #futile. This #quote from The Twin Towers film resonated with me:
Theoden: "So much death. What can [people] do against such reckless #hate?"
Aragorn: "Ride out with me. Ride out and meet them."
- #LOTR: The Twin Towers (#movie)
Interestingly Theoden doesn't catch the vision. He focuses on personal glory, Aragorn continues to desire the greater good. Despite the impure motivations...well, if you haven't seen/read it, I'll not ruin it for you.
#good #hopeless #futile #quote #hate #lotr #movie
@LadyDragonfly meanwhile on Board of #Enterprise: Engage!
#Resistance is #Futile - unless 8 Ohm. #StarTrek #NextGeneration #FirstContact
#enterprise #resistance #futile #startrek #nextgeneration #firstcontact
@ryanrandall and when talking to those same #mortals remember that #resistance is #futile.
#Missionaries brought #cattle to #Opitsaht in the early 1900s in #futile attempt to turn #Westcoast #FirstNations fishers into farmers (why would you give up a diet of salmon and seafood right on your doorstep year-round?). They did manage to leave behind a #strange #legacy 🐮
Moses Martin, chief of #Tlaoquiaht #FirstNation was born and raised in #Opitsaht - tiny village on #MearesIsland off the west coast of #VancouverIsland . Since the 1940s he remembers there were always a dozen or so #cows 🐂
#missionaries #cattle #opitsaht #futile #westcoast #firstnations #strange #legacy #tlaoquiaht #firstnation #mearesisland #vancouverisland #cows
@joel #no #question we are #borg #resistance is #futile
#obey, you will be #robot in near #future
I am #android and this #message is #brain #automation #glitch in my #operatingsystem
#no #question #borg #resistance #futile #obey #robot #future #android #message #brain #automation #glitch #operatingsystem #hahaha #hand
“Criticism is #futile because it puts a person on the defensive and usually makes him strive to justify himself. Criticism is dangerous,
it wounds
a person’s precious pride, hurts his sense of importance, and arouses resentment.”
Et la plupart d'entre eux sont inutiles car réservés aux riches :
#pollution #spatiale #starlink #futile
Don’t accept the conceit in articles or conversation that the American Democratic Party has moved leftward. It hasn’t; it is a stodgy and lifeless husk that exists only to maintain the status quo.
If nothing happens, they consider it a success. That’s not liberal, or progressive… let alone socialist… but that’s what we need, not a platform that relies on being less batshit insane than the other guys.
I resent having to vote for them.
Donc indispensable #Geobebra #Futile
Un totalement inutile générateur d'étoiles :
(export de l'image créée au format PNG, les dimensions sont conservées) #maths #geométrie
#Geobebra #futile #maths #geométrie
Quando Groucho Marx fu indagato dall`FBI per un motivo futile #groucho #marx #indagato #dallfbi #motivo #futile #20agosto
#20agosto #futile #motivo #dallfbi #indagato #marx #groucho
Il parait qu'une deuxième pleine lune dans le même mois et qui tombe le 31 octobre, ça n'est pas arrivé depuis 1944, il y a 76 ans.
C'est marrant parce que moi je suis née en 1976 et j'ai 44 ans ;-)
#chiffres #futile #aucuneimportance
u.s. method of dealing with the climate crisis...
#futile #pathetic #flooding #climatechange #climatedisaster #climatecrisis #oilculture #chainlinkfence #trashcan #toolittletoolate #carculture #animatedgif
#futile #climatechange #climatedisaster #toolittletoolate #carculture #animatedgif #pathetic #flooding #climatecrisis #oilculture #chainlinkfence #trashcan
u.s. method of dealing with the climate crisis...
#futile #pathetic #flooding #climatechange #climatedisaster #climatecrisis #oilculture #chainlinkfence #trashcan #toolittletoolate #carculture #animatedgif
#futile #pathetic #flooding #climatechange #climatedisaster #climatecrisis #oilculture #chainlinkfence #trashcan #toolittletoolate #carculture #animatedgif
u.s. method of dealing with the climate crisis...
#futile #pathetic #flooding #climatechange #climatedisaster #climatecrisis #oilculture #chainlinkfence #trashcan #toolittletoolate #carculture #animatedgif
#futile #pathetic #flooding #climatechange #climatedisaster #climatecrisis #oilculture #chainlinkfence #trashcan #toolittletoolate #carculture #animatedgif