"The World Evolving Over Time" - A Sonata on Absurdity, Futility, The Future and Fate, and The Genius/Madness of AI Minds"
new play screencast demo video is UP
DevLog with link to it, over on
#slartboz #games #retrogames #indiegames #sologames #roguelike #roguelikes #roguelikegames #postapoc #apocalypse #dystopia #absurd #ai #crazyai #evilai #aidangers #future #futility #fate #climate #sealevelrise
You ever just need someone to just complain with? #webcomic #comicstrip #friendship #futility #pessimism #squirrel #fox
#webcomic #comicstrip #friendship #futility #pessimism #squirrel #fox
Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg agree to hold cage fight
'Mr Musk posted a message on his social media platform Twitter that he was "up for a cage fight" with Mr Zuckerberg. Mr Zuckerberg, the boss of Facebook and Instagram parent company Meta, then posted a screenshot of Mr Musk's tweet with the caption "send me location".'
Quiet, children! Daddy's trying to work!
#foolishness #DamnFoolishness #idiocy #stupidity #futility #EgoEgoEgo #narcissism
#narcissism #egoegoego #futility #stupidity #idiocy #damnfoolishness #foolishness
Australia's Constitution is not a document of details. That's deliberate. The Yanks tried putting too much detail in their Constitution. It hasn't served them well.
The detail is in legislation. Yes, any Conservative government will sabotage the Voice by corrupting the governing legislation. If it's in the Constitution though, then at least they won't be able to easily abolish it. The Voice will remain as a foundation for the next Progressive government to build on. According to Professor Langton, seven legislated indigenous representative bodies have been abolished over the years.
If you've read & understood the Uluru Statement, then you'll know that the elders called for Voice (in the Constitution), Treaty and Truth - in that order. The Voice is intended to be the first step.
And a reputable source to address some of your misgivings:
@Jakra @oldlillipilli
#Auspol #VoiceToParliament #Democracy #Futility
#auspol #voicetoparliament #democracy #futility
I'll be respecting the wishes of the elders. Abstaining respects nobody.
As for Price, getting ninety elders to tell you to wrack off is quite an achievement.
@Jakra @oldlillipilli
#Auspol #VoiceToParliament #Democracy #Futility
#auspol #voicetoparliament #democracy #futility
Of course there are shades of grey. Some people simply cannot operate in uncertainty.
Sadly for them, there is no certainty. Even more sadly (I guess) there's no escaping responsibility.
For me, it's a matter of respect.
@Jakra @oldlillipilli
#Auspol #VoiceToParliament #Democracy #Futility
#auspol #voicetoparliament #democracy #futility
In a Democracy, having the right to vote makes us responsible for the outcome. Abstaining or deliberately casting an invalid vote is an exercise in futility.
It merely has the effect of submitting to the will of those who do vote. We're still responsible. Democracy leaves no escape.
@Jakra @oldlillipilli
#Auspol #VoiceToParliament #Democracy #Futility
#auspol #voicetoparliament #democracy #futility
(personal)by npecom (4.8 d)Mon Mar 20 2023 at 5:18:27
The #futility of rewriting history is not lost on me. Yet, I find myself occasionally indulging in the "what if's" of it all. Lately, I've been struck by the realization that if just one of the countless "thin threads" had been broken, my descendants might not exist today. There might still be children and even their children's children, but they would be strangers to the person I am today.
I’ve seen DevOps and SRE done wrong so often now. The terms are meaningless in most venues now. #sadness #devolution #futility
#sadness #devolution #futility
Me, as an outsider, watching the US Senate vote, yet again, for a Speaker of the House…and….accomplishing nothing x 11.
Ok let’s do this all again tomorrow.
If you, too, reflect on the “Celestial Emporium of Benevolent Knowledge” as you create your most recent list category for follows, I’d probably like to follow you. #taxonomy #futility #language #borges #InnumerableOnes
#taxonomy #futility #language #borges #innumerableones
If you, too, reflect on the “Celestial Emporium of Benevolent Knowledge” as you create your most recent list category for follows, I’d probably like to follow you. #taxonomy #futility #language #borges #InnumerableOnes
#taxonomy #futility #language #borges #innumerableones
Anregender Vortrag der Ethikerin und Psychosomatikerin Anna Westermair auf dem #DGPPN-Kongress zum Thema "#Futility in der #Psychiatrie". Entlastende Konfrontation mit dem Thema, dass wir therapeutisch Tätigen - egal wie engagiert wir bei der Sache sind - nicht allen Kranken und Bedürftigen so helfen können wie wir es erwarten. Ein Therapiezielwechsel kann neue klinisch-ethische Perspektiven eröffnen.
#PalliativeCare #Ethik #DGPPN2022
#dgppn #futility #Psychiatrie #palliativecare #Ethik #dgppn2022
I’m sorry😢🥺
I can vividly #imagine the #futility you are seeing first hand
There is only so much you can do… sometimes people need to learn through #experience & even then, many still don’t
Keeping yourself healthy is the first imperative🖤
#imagine #futility #experience