Get off to WHAT?!
Premieres TODAY! 7 PM EST
#buddyshotz #buddyshotzpodcast #featurepresentation #howlsmovingcastle #weirdwatches #futureboyconan #studioghibli #ghibli #hayaomiyazaki #anime #adventure #magic #ghiblimovies #bestmovie #podcast #podcastnetwork #podcastcommunity #podcasting #moviepodcast #moviepodcastweekly #moviepodcastnetwork
Happy Studio Ghibli Monday!
#buddyshotz #buddyshotzpodcast #featurepresentation #howlsmovingcastle #weirdwatches #futureboyconan #studioghibli #ghibli #hayaomiyazaki #anime #adventure #magic #ghiblimovies #bestmovie #podcast #podcastnetwork #podcastcommunity #podcasting #moviepodcast #moviepodcastweekly #moviepodcastnetwork
This Tuesday on the Podcast....
#buddyshotz #buddyshotzpodcast #howlsmovingcastle #futureboyconan #studioghibli #ghibli #hayaomiyazaki #anime #adventure #magic #ghiblimovies #bestmovie #podcast
Buddy Shotz 127 - Studio Ghibli Week
How's Moving Castle & Future Boy Conan
A heart’s a heavy burden
Buddy Shotz Podcast on YouTube
Premieres 7/11 Tuesday 7 PM EST
#buddyshotz #buddyshotzpodcast #featurepresentation #howlsmovingcastle #weirdwatches #futureboyconan #studioghibli #ghibli #hayaomiyazaki #anime #adventure #magic #ghiblimovies #bestmovie #podcast #podcastnetwork #podcastcommunity #podcasting #moviepodcast #moviepodcastweekly #moviepodcastnetwork
I finally managed to buy it! I found it in a cute comic book shop in Como, close to home!
Braving the winter frost, yesterday morning I ventured with my car into town (what traffic!) and came home with this gem! #anime #hayaomiyazaki #conanilragazzodelfuturo #theincredibletide #futureboyconan
#anime #hayaomiyazaki #conanilragazzodelfuturo #theincredibletide #futureboyconan
Character design sketches for ラナ (Lana) from 未来少年コナン (Future Boy Conan).
#miyazaki #futureboyconan #anime #japan
A small teaser for the January Exclusive Picture, featuring Monsley and Dyce from "Future Boy Conan" anime show.
It is available at my Fanbox and Patreon.
If you like my work, support me on Fanbox or Patreon:
#futureboyconan #monsley #eternauta84