The tone shift from #FutureLaw when we went from the conversation about AI to the conversation about blockchain could not have been more jarring, unpleasant, and out of place.
Utter hogwash.
RT @margarethagan
We need a clear taxonomy of risks & harms that AI poses in legal scenarios.
As @MeganPHMa says at #futurelaw, there are a lot of risk taxonomies emerging, but we need a standardized and domain-specific one.
This is super cool. I feel like maybe it's a little limited, in that you want to be able to test reasoning, not only answers. I'm not sure how to build a task description that requires the LLM to have given the right answer for the right reason or reasons. But it's a step in the right direction, for sure.
#futurelaw #legaltech #lawfedi
Steven Wolfram's presentation at #FutureLaw was interesting in how much of it I agreed with. Thinking back over it, though, he didn't actually provide any advice on HOW to govern AI development or operation, and he didn't give any reasons that his proprietary language is the right target for symbolic representation of legal concepts.
RT @CodeXStanford
Kicking off #FutureLaw @stanfordlaw w/a welcome from Codex's Roland Vogl. He introduced keynote @ralphbaxter, former CEO of @Orrick, who spoke on #AccesstoJustice: rules that restrict who can help w/legal issues & how legal firms can use #techlaw to help.
#futurelaw #accesstojustice #techlaw
New from The Future Law Podcast: I chat with
Eric Holder, former Attorney General of the US and now senior counsel with Covington & Burling, about the past, present, and future of voting and democracy. Download and share widely at #futurelaw
RT @StanfordCLP
CLP's David Freeman Engstrom and Lucy Ricca discuss their research into the results of Utah's #regulatory sandbox innovation, which created space for nontraditional legal service providers in this #FutureLaw podcast Speculation vs Data About Law's Futures.