I got an email today, sent from myself six years ago via futureme.org.
As I predicted, life was pretty different for me six years ago. Past-me asked for me to please write back, but well, ya know, the flow of time.
This bit was especially poignant though, describing my personal digital hoarding as “finding and remembering moments encased in digital amber, both emotionally significant and painfully not”
#missbrauch #kinder #kinderschutz #depressionen #gesellschaft #abschiedsbrief #totemädchenlügennicht #selbstmordgedanken #ptbs #lgbtq #familie #futureme #borderline #psychologie #todeswunsch #selbstharmmm #magersucht #lesbian #hilfeschrei #fett #angststörung #suizid #ritzen #loveislove #toxisch #hässlich #emotional #caritas #deutschland #youtube
#youtube #deutschland #caritas #emotional #hasslich #toxisch #loveislove #ritzen #suizid #angststorung #fett #hilfeschrei #lesbian #magersucht #selbstharmmm #Todeswunsch #psychologie #borderline #futureme #familie #lgbtq #ptbs #Selbstmordgedanken #totemadchenlugennicht #Abschiedsbrief #gesellschaft #depressionen #kinderschutz #kinder #missbrauch
#missbrauch #kinder #kinderschutz #depressionen #gesellschaft #abschiedsbrief #totemädchenlügennicht #selbstmordgedanken #q #lgbt #honeys #futureme #borderline #13reasonswhy #familie #selbstharmmm #magersucht #lesbian #hilfeschrei #fett #angststörung #suizid #ritzen #loveislove #repost #hässlich #mixedmedia #psyche #kunstgalerie #peternathschläger
#peternathschlager #kunstgalerie #psyche #mixedmedia #hasslich #repost #loveislove #ritzen #suizid #angststorung #fett #hilfeschrei #lesbian #magersucht #selbstharmmm #familie #13reasonswhy #borderline #futureme #honeys #lgbt #q #Selbstmordgedanken #totemadchenlugennicht #Abschiedsbrief #gesellschaft #depressionen #kinderschutz #kinder #missbrauch
I really needed a win today, and finally getting my #cnc router squared away with my #chromebox #gcode sender definitely qualifies. I can finally get a project done I've been working on since the New Year. The #plan is coming together.
#2023 #blaidddrwg #sigils #FutureMe
#cnc #chromebox #gcode #plan #blaidddrwg #sigils #futureme
Cleaning my home office is so hard to get around to because it feels like it takes so much time, but it takes me immediately from feeling overwhelmed to being #ReadyToTakeOnTheWorld. It's like sending a #LoveLetter to #FutureMe #adhd
#readytotakeontheworld #loveletter #futureme #adhd
#FutureMe needs me to set him up for success. I need to rise, every morning, able to thank #PastMe for his help. There's a lot to do, some of it recovering old ground, some of it blazing new trails.
#futureme #pastMe #blaidddrwg #ifyouknowyouknow #nerdmotivation
I got a letter from #FutureMe today. It was only a year old. I think I might have really old ones that are due, but I'm not sure.
Anyway, in the letter, I wanted to see if I accomplished any of the goals I set for 2022. And the answer is, nope. I failed all of them!
Je viens de finir de m'écrire une lettre sur #FutureMe
En vrai c'est super agréable.
@YellowPup One nice thing about the FutureMe letters is that they can be a surprise.
While I routinely receive (and write) one on the first of each month, I will also write the at ad hoc times — when I'm worried about something, or hoping something happens, or whatever — and have them delivered later.
By the time I get them, weeks or months have passed, and I have forgotten all about them. 🙂
Email from a year ago.
This morning I was surprised to receive the FutureMe email I wrote a year ago. I expected to get it tomorrow but was happy to read (and reply to) it today.
It's always pleasant to see that some goals were definitely met, while others are still in progress (surprisingly little progress in one case).
I highly recommend the exercise. See this post:
#newYear #futureMe #goals #specificGoals #plans #hopes #dreams #fears
#newyear #futureme #goals #specificgoals #plans #hopes #dreams #fears
@lj Retirement (at least for me) turns out to be quite nice. But I did somehow have to go through a full cycle of seasons to get past most of the adjustment. Another year of milder change pretty much finished the job — but note that I was fully retired, not returning to work part-time.
Using FutureMe might be an interesting exercise:
January 1 is a great day to write a FutureMe letter for a year hence.
#futureme #retirement #adjustment #change
Starting my 2023 goal setting process by imagining what I want my life to look like in a year. #newyearsresolutions #GoalsFor2023 #futureme
#newyearsresolutions #goalsfor2023 #futureme
Dear #futureme why did you stop listening to Nonsense Bazaar? It makes you so happy. Especially if you're depressed, check in to see if they're still making episodes xo AL
FutureMe.org is useful & interesting. One thing I do on the first of each month is read the email from a year ago that I just received and write an email to be delivered a year hence.
The Dec 1 email was gratifying cuz I had several goals that now are well in hand.
When I'm worried about some upcoming thing, I write an email about my worries to be delivered shortly after the event. That has taught me that my worries are almost always pointless.