I was reading an article about how #cyber insurers are looking to move in to the #MDR space through the acquisition of providers. From the #insurance provider standpoint I can see the benefit of increased visibility and ability to validate environments, but I am not so sure I think it is a good idea for the insured to avail themselves of those services. My sense is that it will most likely result higher costs and lower limits for the insured (which may or may not be warranted). The complete opposite could also occur.
What are the prevailing thoughts on this?
Would you use MDR services that were provided by your insurance provider (for free or at a cost)?
What if they required you to do so for the insurance to be provided?
#cyber #mdr #insurance #ciso #cybersecurity #privacy #futuremeproblems
So, I finally had a chance to try #FutureMeProblems, a #BoardGame by #SarahAndersen. It's so fun!
I love the game mat and all the cards, they're hilariously relatable. The point of the game is collecting as many Distractions as you can, which give you points, as opposed to Responsibilities, which instead detract them.
The Schedule deck helps you collect Distractions or even push Responsibilities onto your fellow players... and every turn ends with a nap!
Just lovely.
#futuremeproblems #Boardgame #SarahAndersen #boardgames #cardgames