Interested in #futurescenarios and #environmentalpsychology?
We write about this in our new paper:
Advancing the potential impact of future scenarios by integrating psychological principles
In Environmental Science and Policy
Hopefully this link will take you straight there:
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#environmentalpsychology #futurescenarios
When psychologists, a climate change ecologist and a scenario expert stick their heads together, this is what comes out: recommendations of how to use #futurescenarios for the better 💪🏻 #interdisciplinary #AcademicTwitter
#academictwitter #interdisciplinary #futurescenarios
Open letter to Fridays For Future. It’s time for action, but, what action? #renewabletransition #climateemergency #energytransition #decarbonization #electricvehicle #futurescenarios #systemsdynamics #climatechange #publicpolicy #electriccar #government #humanneeds #Highlight #transport #Analysis #Reflexio #activism #degrowth #minerals #lithium #energy #Actio
#renewabletransition #climateemergency #energytransition #decarbonization #electricvehicle #futurescenarios #systemsdynamics #climatechange #publicpolicy #electriccar #government #humanneeds #highlight #transport #analysis #Reflexio #activism #degrowth #minerals #lithium #energy #Actio