Eddy Jansson · @el0j
15 followers · 158 posts · Server mastodon.gamedev.place

I forgot to mention it, but I had uploaded the Future Wars soundtrack (the CD version) on YouTube a few years ago! πŸ›Έβœ¨

➑️ youtube.com/watch?v=jQ1BlAxvI_

I still listen to it to this day πŸ₯°

🧡- 4/4

#futurewars #lesvoyageursdutemps #delphinesoftware #jeanbaudlot #vgm #atarist #amiga #dosgaming #retrogaming

Last updated 2 years ago

The box didn't have the CD anymore, but as I had kept my copy (+30 years!), it's now complete! πŸ˜€

Very happy to own again the 'Prestige Edition' of Future Wars πŸ’–

🧡- 3/3

#futurewars #lesvoyageursdutemps #delphinesoftware #paulcuisset #ericchahi #jeanbaudlot #adventuregame #pointandclick #retrogaming #atarist #amiga #dosgaming #BigBoxGames

Last updated 2 years ago

In fact, I had forgotten about the existence of this edition.

It was when I saw a photo of it that the memory came back to me! Even more when I saw the back of the box: the red paper band that surrounds the box is too short! 😠 Just like in my memories!

🧡- 2/3

#futurewars #lesvoyageursdutemps #delphinesoftware #paulcuisset #ericchahi #jeanbaudlot #adventuregame #pointandclick #retrogaming #atarist #amiga #dosgaming #BigBoxGames

Last updated 2 years ago

So, I'm now the happy owner the "Prestige Edition" of Future Wars! ✨

This is the version I had when I was younger. I had kept only the OST πŸ’Ώ

You can't imagine how happy I am! 😍

🧡- 1 Thread ⬇️⬇️⬇️

#futurewars #lesvoyageursdutemps #delphinesoftware #paulcuisset #ericchahi #jeanbaudlot #adventuregame #pointandclick #retrogaming #atarist #amiga #dosgaming #BigBoxGames

Last updated 2 years ago

Man, not to sound like a conspiracy theorist, but with the Antarctic Treaty expiring in 2048, it almost sounds like DARPA has a certain specific end game in mind for this research...


#ClimateChange #future #futurewars

Last updated 2 years ago

Pwn Toney 🎹🎀 · @pwn_toney
206 followers · 136 posts · Server cc.pwntoney.com

The double EP, consisted of two themes: and .

Future Wars made use of modern synthesizers (read: future sounds) to create a digital landscape for warfare.


Past Wars made use of traditional classical instruments to fill the battlefield with sounds of wars long forgotten.


The have released more since then, but this was the start of it all.

#warmusic #futurewars #pastwars #preytorians #blackmastodon #blackmusic #musiciansofmastodon

Last updated 2 years ago

Playing a cleaner/janitor can lead to some amazing adventures πŸ’«

Especially in these four great adventure games! πŸͺ£πŸ§Ή

#futurewars #lesvoyageursdutemps #kingsquest3 #spacequest #planetfall #adventuregame #retrogaming

Last updated 2 years ago

I remember being very impressed with Future Wars when it came out in late 1989. The last adventure games I had played were Indiana Jones 3 and Space Quest 3 (also released in 1989)

It was just amazing! 🀩

#futurewars #lesvoyageursdutemps #delphinesoftware #adventuregame #pointandclick #retrogaming #amiga #atarist #dosgaming #ericchahi #paulcuisset #jeanbaudlot

Last updated 2 years ago