🎙️ ✨ A new episode has been published on @ITSPmagazine

Show: Redefining CyberSecurity With @seanmartin

Episode: The Pathway to Innovation: Understanding and Embracing Cascading Risk for Technological Progress

Guest: Trond Arne Undheim

Podcast format: Video & Audio



#innovation #futurist #Technology #tech #podcast

Last updated 1 year ago

Randall White · @randallwhite
430 followers · 1008 posts · Server mstdn.social

Join Adrian Tonon, Adriel Thornton, and Angie Linder, as I host them for an hour-long look at the state of the night and creatives in Detroit. Wednesday, Sep. 20, 10 a.m. CDT.

Get details, register, and link in for the free web panel at 24hournation.com/webinars/detr

Promotional support for this public service webinar made possible by One City Music Group.

#hospitality #24hourcity #urban #futurist #culturaleconomy #Music #nightlife #creatives #Culture #nighttimeeconomy #Musicians #techno #detroit

Last updated 1 year ago

Flatbush Gardener 🌈 · @xris
940 followers · 14529 posts · Server ecoevo.social

Please help my husband @jmagi828 "find his people"!

jmagi828@mastodon.social - 61 year old GWM looking for my people, types, and types and shows up.

#lgbtqia #queer #progressiverelgious #scifi #futurist #whosoever

Last updated 1 year ago

🎙️ ✨ A new episode has been published on @ITSPmagazine

Show: Redefining Society With @Marcociappelli

Episode: Shall we play a game? How about End of The World 2075, and then we can talk about exploring intelligent models to preserve the future of humanity? Ok!

Guest: futurist Trond Arne Undheim

Podcast format: Audio & Video


👉 itspmagazine.com/redefining-so

#futurist #AI #society #philosophy #Technology #podcast

Last updated 1 year ago

John Harden · @giantspecks
44 followers · 486 posts · Server sfba.social

My film, , is a tale about tech that uproots capitalism. I don't specify if the tumult that follows signals imminent societal collapse, or the birth pangs of a post-scarcity utopia. In any case, these are ideas I always have fun thinking about. I've spent many years building out a future history in my mind, and this will be my first public expression of it.

#theoriginalcopy #futurist #shortfilm #postscarcity #utopia #capitalism #futurism

Last updated 1 year ago

Dr David Bull · @drdavidbull
2 followers · 6778 posts · Server respublicae.eu

RT Andrew Eborn 💎 Barrister Broadcaster Futurist
Always a pleasure to join @drdavidbull 🩺
@DrHoenderkamp @tomwilliets
Hollywood & AI @EquityUK @sagaftra @rts_london @RTS_media
@AndrewEborn @OctopusTV

octopus.tv/news-blog/ youtu.be/KlF1WugZxq8

🐦🔗: n.respublicae.eu/AndrewEborn/s

#wga #barrister #Broadcaster #futurist

Last updated 1 year ago

lkngrrr · @lkngrrr
210 followers · 284 posts · Server hachyderm.io

Controversial thought for the day:

Our most fundamental failure in thinking about automation and the future of work is classing humans and machines differently.

Both perform work. Both require care, feeding, service, and the right conditions to thrive in. Humans and machines are both *workers* that can create wealth together through their interaction.

Machines aren’t “taking your jobs”. Our conversation needs to be about how do we allocate the wealth from all workers’ labor.


Last updated 1 year ago

Mike Futuro · @futuromike
1 followers · 7 posts · Server technodon.org

As the is not predefined and everything may dramatically in the very
next second, a task of the is not to carefully predict the future that happens
100%, but rather to create an image of one or another possible . Imagination
and is far more important than being right.

#future #change #futurist #vision #creativity

Last updated 1 year ago

Dr David Bull · @drdavidbull
2 followers · 6283 posts · Server respublicae.eu

RT @AndrewEborn: I love sharing a studio with one of the best teams in broadcasting - the incredible
@drdavidbull @DrHoenderkamp @TomWilliets @TalkTV ...@AndrewEborn  @OctopusTV octopus.tv/news-blog/ Growing Old Disgracefully GOD AE on AI t.co/RIcrOeCSlV

🐦🔗: n.respublicae.eu/drdavidbull/s

#barrister #Broadcaster #futurist #PaperReview

Last updated 1 year ago

Futurist Jim Carroll · @jimcarroll
1764 followers · 2950 posts · Server futurist.info

This is what I do in my day job.

I just spent two days pulling this together while working on many other things.

The tone needs to be this way; this is the nature of the industry I work within. We have but microseconds to capture attention spans. I have the same speaker agents as Barack and Michelle Obama, George Bush and Richard Branson. When I put something out there, I need to be at the top of my game.

The socia media post that went with it below.


The future of AI? It's not just about ChatGPT. It's the AI Megatrends. Those are even bigger. I just finished my AI Megatrend Promo Reel. You need to watch this. You can't afford to fall behind. **** **#artificialintelligence** **#keynotespeaker** **** **** **#meetingprofs** ****

#ai #future #artificialintelligencetechnology #futurist #eventsprofs #eventindustry #meetingsandevents

Last updated 2 years ago

Antti Peltola · @anttipeltola
110 followers · 1492 posts · Server mastodon.world
C.T. TruLove · @OhkaBaka
43 followers · 175 posts · Server masto.ai

I feel like we are five to ten years from being able to say "Hello Movieapp... I'd like to watch a 93 minute action comedy starring David Bowie of 1987, Audrey Hepburn of 1960, about a vacation to Thailand in the 40s gone wrong and turned into a caper. Oh and make it a little porny."

And then you watch it, and it isn't great, but it is exactly what you asked for, and then you do it again the next night...

The , the , and the inside me are struggling with this.

#ai #futurist #writer #cinephile

Last updated 2 years ago

Futurist Jim Carroll · @jimcarroll
1696 followers · 2528 posts · Server futurist.info

Daily Inspiration: "At any given moment, you are a bundle of unknown and as of yet, unrealized potential!" - Jim Carroll

You can spend much of your life having people tell you that you will never accomplish anything, that you will never amount to much, and that you are too full of yourself with your big goals.

Prove them wrong.

Read the whole post: jimcarroll.com/2023/04/at-any-


Last updated 2 years ago

Futurist Jim Carroll · @jimcarroll
1682 followers · 2445 posts · Server futurist.info

Daily Inspiration: "When you say you've decided to go in a different direction, it usually means that you don't really know the direction you are going!" - Jim Carroll

It's the phrase that EVERYONE hates to hear. And it's the phrase that EVERYONE uses!

What's behind the phrase? Often, a lack of certainty, an inability to make decisions, and in essence, organizational dysfunction. Think about it - often certainty is your best weapon - and yet at the same time, it is in short supply. And so you resort to the easy way out when sharing decisions with those who are impacted, and hide behind this trite phrase.

And how do I know you are running with a shortage of certainty? Because I bet you have recently used the variation of the phrase that potential employees, consultants, and even speakers hate to hear:  "We've decided to go in a different direction."

Original post: jimcarroll.com/2023/03/daily-i


Last updated 2 years ago

Futurist Jim Carroll · @jimcarroll
1681 followers · 2437 posts · Server futurist.info

Daily Inspiration: "An optimist never lets a short season of gloom interfere with a longer scason of opportunity!" - Jim Carroll

I've never liked the period of time between the end of ski season and the start of golf; I've long called this brief window "The Season of Gloom." While I joke about it, the fact is I also know I have absolutely nothing to complain about!

But still, it can get pretty grey. This morning, after some radiant sunshine yesterday, features cold sleet, or rain, or something miserable from the sky.

Even so, there is much to be thankful for - for one, the ability to find optimism at any moment in time, because that matters!

Original post: jimcarroll.com/2023/03/daily-i

#futurist #motvationalmonday

Last updated 2 years ago

Justin Heap · @justinpheap
5 followers · 10 posts · Server me.dm
Futurist Jim Carroll · @jimcarroll
1671 followers · 2411 posts · Server futurist.info

Daily Inspiration: "The future is a funny thing. Those who don't like it will end up there anyways!" - Jim Carroll

Simply put, some people just don't like what's next.

This was the comment I made to the CEO of a client that just had me in for a talk. When he suggested that the audience of 300 would absolutely love my talk, I offered back my thoughts as to how I thought it would actually break down: 2/3 would absolutely love it, finding that it would provide a practical pathway into understanding what's next; another 10-20% would react, "well, I knew much of that already." But the remaining 10 to 20% would absolutely hate what I would have to say.

Why? Because they hate the future and what it represents.

Why are some people more negative about the future? What is it with this second group?

First, there is 'negativity bias.' That is the built-in capacity we all have to let negative things impact our emotions much more than positive ones.

Second, there is our tendency to focus on loss aversion. We tend to focus more on what we will lose, rather than being able to focus on what we might gain.

Third, change weariness kicks in. As I often observe on stage, "Ogden Nash once observed that for many people, progress is great, but it's gone on way too long.'"

What can you do about this? Recognize it. Talk about it!

Original post: jimcarroll.com/2023/03/daily-i


Last updated 2 years ago

Futurist Jim Carroll · @jimcarroll
1670 followers · 2374 posts · Server futurist.info

Daily Inspiration: "The most important thing you need to know is the thing you don't yet know about!" - Jim Carroll

I was out skiing yesterday, and as often happens, you can get into delightful conversations while on the chairlift. I ended up sharing a few rides up with a lawyer, and we ended up speaking about changes in her profession, and the new areas of a specialty practice that are emerging.
We quickly began to focus our conversation on the issue of the growth of legal knowledge.

My comments to her were based on issues just covered in one of my 23 Trends for 2023, having to do with Knowledge Velocity, pointing out that the biggest challenge now facing the industry is the rapid growth of new knowledge - "how is any lawyer supposed to be able to keep up?"
And that became the basis for today's quote!

As I pointed out in that post, back in 1982, it was estimated that the total volume of human knowledge was doubling every 12 months - but IBM has recently suggested that the impact of the Internet is such that it is now doubling every 12 hours. That's a pretty staggering change - and this is before the massive knowledge generation that is now coming with text-based A.I. tools.

Original post: jimcarroll.com/2023/03/daily-i

#futurist #inspiration #legal #knowledge

Last updated 2 years ago

Onion · @Onionkek
3 followers · 10 posts · Server mastodon.art
Futurist Jim Carroll · @jimcarroll
1673 followers · 2358 posts · Server futurist.info

Daily Inspiration: "Dare I suggest that if you are thinking about a bit of downsizing, you consider getting rid of your Department of Procrastination and Delay?" - Jim Carroll

Downsizing seems to be all the rage these days, particularly at tech companies. As someone who has studied innovation for thirty years, I've learned that often, those doing the downsizing are targeting the wrong people. 

With that in mind, let me offer up my expertise on what groups should be on the chopping block. In fact, there are a number of departments that I suggest you might consider axing:

- The Creativity and Innovation Prevention Department

- The Office Of Small Thinking and Marginal Ideas

- The Department of Lost Initiative

- The Excuses and Justification Bureau

- The Committee To Create Committees

- The Aggressive Indecision Department

- The Division of Obsolete Technologies

- The Department of Reinventing the Wheel

- The Office of Doing What's Always Been Done

- The Department of Repetitive But Useless Actions

- The Department that Always Does it This Way

- The Office of the Leadership Sycophants (That one is for Twitter)

... and a few others that are in the post!

Original post: jimcarroll.com/2023/03/daily-i

#futurist #innovation #creativity #leadership

Last updated 2 years ago