RT @AnonOpsSE@twitter.com
Putin's toyboy @thierrybaudet@twitter.com lost mid term for local elections. BIIIIG TIME!
It's called karma bitch for those painful things your said towards Ukrainian people!
Now fuck off to Kremlin!
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/AnonOpsSE/status/1636124761247072256
RT @AnonOpsSE
Putin's toyboy @thierrybaudet lost mid term for local elections. BIIIIG TIME!
It's called karma bitch for those painful things your said towards Ukrainian people!
Now fuck off to Kremlin!
Ik kwam dit nog even tegen. Is Baudet dronken of niet? Totale afgang dit 😂
#baudetalcholist #baudetputinspuppet #Landverrader #klootzak #baudetindavos #fvdwegermee