Many many years ago when Sema and Pinar wrote the manifesto of the Fancy Women Bike Ride, they decided to promote individual participation and encourage women to represent only themselves.
11 years, 200 cities later, the 'rules' are simple: any woman can organize a ride. Organizations/men may amplify, but women lead. Dress to feel fabulous. Take photos. Wave, smile, enjoy! Demonstrate to your city, what it *could* be.
Your authenticity matters!
#fwbr #womenridebikes #biketooter #urbanism
Senator, perhaps you can make it in time for Ottawa's Fancy Women Bike Ride!
Your friend can ask us for help, or clarification on anything. A DM on Twitter or Instagram or Facebook might be easiest?
Thank *you* so much for caring enough to ensure joining in would be safe, comfortable, fun for her.
If it would help to see photos, there are lots on our Insta: @FWBRyeg.
🙏@IPEdmonton🙏 you're the best for advocating ❣️
#fwbr #womenridebikes #biketooter