Pretty smooth on my #fxtecpro1 as well. Granted, if you put it side by side with another system you can tell the difference in scrolling, but not enough to bother me in my regular usage.
"【F(x)tec Pro1 再組立レポート】
"【F(x)tec Pro1 再組立レポート】
#10yearchallenge Jan 2012 vs Jan 2022.
#10yearchallenge #nokian950 #meego #fxtecpro1 #sailfishos #ansible
lol ok, coz astro glide is something quite different
what phone do you currently have?
I'm using a #FxtecPro1 running #SailfishOS
with #UbuntuTouch, basic stuff like cellular data and camera focus were not working for me (even with the most recent updates), also battery drain when idle on just wifi, and generally not liking the UT interface that much. I think Fxtec is focusing work on the Pro1X, and hopefully will backport the changes to Pro1.
I definitely like #SailfishOS the best among the 4 OSes I've tried on the #FxtecPro1. It feels polished and the screen is built for gestures. Just a joy to use :)
#ubuntutouch #sailfishos #fxtecpro1
I put stock Android back for a whie just to test something out, and will be installing #SailfishOS again on the #FxtecPro1 this weekend.
the #FxtecPro1 has a smaller capacity battery compared to the #asuszenfone6 (3200 vs 5000mAh) so we can't compare them directly. However the Pro1 handles a full day's use just fine, if you keep the screen brightness somewhat low (it's a relatively bright display so you don't need it at high brightness setting anyway)
the OS matters though. #SailfishOS gives the best battery life, followed by Android / #LineageOS. However, #UbuntuTouch has problem with battery drain when idle.
#fxtecpro1 #asuszenfone6 #sailfishos #lineageos #ubuntutouch
"F(x)tec Pro¹ with SailfishOS 3.4 community build" by @pcfe
Lots of useful details. Bookmarking as I plan to reflash #SailfishOS on my #FxtecPro1 soon(tm).
bonus: control the Pro1 with #Ansible - gotta try that out!
#sailfishos #fxtecpro1 #ansible
In previous years' #TopNine instagram posts, there were lots more travel pics in different countries. In 2020 they're mostly local, although my last trip abroad to #Antwerp did slip in at #8. #2020bestnine still keeping things geeky, including a #virtual event selfie.
#topnine #antwerp #2020bestnine #virtual #finland #geekstyle #fxtecpro1 #DJImavicair2 #thinkpad
Ho Ho How to make a device feel new again? Install a new OS! #UBports installer made it real easy to put #UbuntuTouch on my #FxtecPro1. I'm fine with CLI, but when it's just a couple of clicks to complete the process, why not? :)
#ubports #ubuntutouch #fxtecpro1 #gpdpocket
#UbuntuTouch vs #SailfishOS side-by-side on the #FxtecPro1 keyboard slider phone
#ubuntutouch #sailfishos #fxtecpro1
Same pics with #fxtecpro1 running #lineageos with #ABetterCamera (open source, but hasn't been updated in couple of years). Couldn't get Gcam to run..
#fxtecpro1 #lineageos #ABetterCamera
indeed. for me I'd like the form factor of the N950, and the #FxtecPro1 checks all the boxes, except it's a tad too large
Installed #LineageOS 17.1 on #FxtecPro1, process was easy and smooth via
First impression: pretty minimalistic and cool, but missing #SailfishOS already 😆
#lineageos #fxtecpro1 #sailfishos
My #Jolla and #Fxtec devices running #SailfishOS.
#jolla #fxtec #sailfishos #jolla1 #JollaC #JollaTablet #fxtecpro1
nah, I'm happy with my #AsusZenfone6 and #FxtecPro1. maybe in a year or two when I need to upgrade (by then there'll be other devices to choose from)
As you can see from the video, it was drizzling. I had to cut short the flying session when the rain got heavier, but I myself was caught in the downpour on the way home. Luckily the DJI bag is fairly water resistant and everything packed inside stayed dry! (including my #fxtecpro1)