Making some good progress on KISA. It was a super frustrating start but I just hooked up my 3rd screen in #fyne #fyne_io and wow am I flying now. I can save and load a file. I can start an mqtt server. I am working on the individual potentiometer calibration. I'm starting to feel like this might actually work. It needs a lot of refinement but I'm hoping people can use this to build some quality animatronics along with record shows and bring some joy to others.
a small post on how and why I changed my mind about #Fyne_io and #golang.
and in 2 hours I managed to set up also a set of github actions to build &distribute binaries of my #golang
and #Fyne_io password manager.
Installing the app on Linux looks like this: (notice the little version string that is also the commit of the release)
here is the release: