Ok, so after watching this video, https://youtu.be/kunpKwVIP5o, I don't think my #Xiegu #G90 internal tuner is working properly.
When I tune in a particular band, it seems like it tunes, but then running the analyzer initially shows good SWR but after a bit, clicks up to a higher SWR and stays there. See this video for an example of what I'm talking about: https://youtu.be/ukfCqj3OlvY
Anyone else seen something similar?
Question: When transmitting at 20w on a #Xiegu #G90 on a freshly charged 6Ah Bioenno battery, after about 15 minutes of 50% duty cycle (FT8) I start to get a voltage from ~12.8 V to 11.1 V when transmitting, and transmit power starts to gradually decrease with time. If I let it rest a few minutes transmit power climbs up a little bit.
What's going on? Am I overtaxing the battery?
So you read a lot of anecdotal stuff about how good the tuner in the #Xiegu #G90 is. "It could tune a wet noodle!" But what are the actual limits?
Personally, I am often unable to get it to tune an antenna that normally works well but is maybe setup in less than ideal conditions.
The talk makes me think that maybe something is defective with mine.
#Introduction for #amateurradio and #hamradio .
I'm a Technician into #aprs, #cw and #emcomm on #hf .
My equipment is Kenwood TH20A 2M in my car with magmount and #xiegu #g90 with #efhf on #battery #solar #power (the emcomm bit). I also have a 1W tracker in my #aircraft .
The furthest I made SSB contacts from #california is #mississippi. On #js8 #js8call I easily make contacts into eastern seaboard.
My current project is learning #cw , setting up a permanent #antenna and getting my #general.
#introduction #amateurradio #hamradio #aprs #cw #emcomm #hf #Xiegu #g90 #efhf #battery #solar #power #aircraft #california #mississippi #js8 #js8call #antenna #general
Shack is starting to look more like it did back in 2006. Got the IC-735 working on digital again. As suspected, it was an issue with my DIY interface. Needed to change out a couple of resistors.
I think I'll try to keep using this setup for a while and move my #G90 to portable service.
Managed to work France on 10m SSB today. Running 20W from my #G90. Good band conditions are nice to play with.
I've noticed a bit of odd behavior with the #G90 using #FLrig. The SWR readout on FLrig shows either 0 if the real SWR on the radio is near 1 or shows ∞ if the real SWR on the radio is over about 1.2 or 1.3.
Must be not using the correct CAT commands for the full range of display values or something.
Side note: didn’t realize that hashtags were not allowed in content warnings. #Linux #G90 #digimodes