Guten Morgen ☕. Heute ein Kaffee schwarz wie der Morgen. Ein Zitat: Es ist eine Ironie, dass die Geräte,die uns Zeit schenken sollen, stattdessen uns von der unmittelbaren Gegenwart ablenken und wir mit ihnen die Zeit totschlagen. (Gabor Mate)
... Und ergänzend... Damit unsere inneren Traumas und Verletzungen nicht wahrnehmen wollen. Doch kann man eine Welle aufhalten 🌊 ?
Lohnt sich zu lesen.. vom Mythos des Normalen von Gabor Mate
#trauma #GaborMatè #Zeitenwende #coaching
#trauma #gabormate #Zeitenwende #coaching
Guten Morgen ☕. Heute einen Espresso. Lese gerade Gabor Mate. Seine Ansätze zeigen wie krank eigentlich unsere Gesellschaft ist. Und was wir dagegen tun können. #trauma #Verbundenheit #GaborMatè #Gesellschaftspolitik
#trauma #Verbundenheit #gabormate #Gesellschaftspolitik
“2X the number of deaths from overdose than the number of Americans who died in the Vietnam, Afghan, & Iraq wars combined put together - in one year.
People are asking why.
The usual explanations aren’t working.”
~ Gabor Maté
#gabormate #mentalhealth #society #culture #wellbeing #modernity #addiction
#gabormate #mentalhealth #society #culture #wellbeing #modernity #addiction
Visit my blog to read these 10 shareable quotes by the beloved Dr. Gabor #adoptionistrauma #gabormate #gabormatequotes #adoptionquotes #adoptee #adopteehealing #NPE #LDA #adoptiontruth #outofthefog #attachment #attachmenttheory #adopteetiktok
#adoptionistrauma #gabormate #gabormatequotes #adoptionquotes #adoptee #adopteehealing #npe #lda #adoptiontruth #outofthefog #attachment #attachmenttheory #adopteetiktok
Spiegel Bestsellerliste: Klaus-Peter Wolf mit "Ein mörderisches Paar" auf Platz 1 #EinmörderischesPaar.DasVersprechen #VomMythosdesNormalen #DieReisenachParis #SpiegelBestseller #I'mGladMyMomDied #Klaus-PeterWolf #JennetteMcCurdy #LouisePenny #DanielMaté #GaborMaté #Charts #Charts
#charts #gabormate #danielmate #LouisePenny #JennetteMcCurdy #klaus #i #SpiegelBestseller #diereisenachparis #vommythosdesnormalen #einmorderischespaar
I'm slowly reading “When the Body Says No” by #GaborMate and it's shocking how many behaviours and personality traits can be connected to cancer and other serious diseases. The main premise is that stress is often the catalyst that lowers our immune system's ability to fight off the illness.
Just now I read his claim that certain personality traits (like refusing to accept negative emotions or being overly self-sacrificing may be in fact coping methods we learnt in childhood to deal with stress.
[Automatic repost]
#health #illness #dystonia #books #gabormate #body #mind #healing #love #life #youtube #coach #happy
#dystonia #health #illness #books #gabormate #body #mind #healing #love #life #youtube #coach #happy
Learnt something else new from Gabor Mate. Attunement.
Being present for your child emotionally, not just physically, is extremely powerful. So powerful that it actually affects the child negatively (long term) when the parent looks away first in meaningful gazes.
Ugh. I am probably guilty of this. Quality time is more than just sitting down with my child and giving her undivided attention. How I disengage is so important as well.
#refining #consciousparenting #allinthedetails #gabormate
#gabormate #allinthedetails #consciousparenting #refining
Dr. #GaborMate is phenomenal.
I'll likely have the chance to try #Ayahuasca (#DMT) this year in a proper #indigenous ceremony - I'm very, very intrigued to look inside and explore a new level of healing. Many of us are prisoners to our childhood in ways. 💫 ❤️
#Meditation is also becoming a new practice.
Here's a beautiful interview between #TimFerriss and Dr. Mate:
#trauma #selfforgiveness #ptsd #innerchild #adhd #addiction #recoveryposse #recovery
#gabormate #ayahuasca #dmt #indigenous #meditation #TimFerriss #trauma #selfforgiveness #ptsd #innerchild #adhd #addiction #RecoveryPosse #recovery
Book 24 of last year
The Myth of Normal: Trauma, Illness, and Healing in a Toxic Culture – Gabor Maté and Daniel Maté
#GaborMate #MythOfNormal #DanielMate #TheMythOfNormal #bookstodon 1/?
#gabormate #mythofnormal #danielmate #themythofnormal #bookstodon
Sources of wisdom #AlfredAdler #RudolfDreikurs #ICASSI #BrucePerry #GaborMaté #ParentingTheAdlerianWay #StefanieFaye #PaulRasmussen
#alfredadler #rudolfdreikurs #icassi #bruceperry #gabormate #parentingtheadlerianway #stefaniefaye #paulrasmussen
I love #Gabormate's definition of authenticity: " The quality of being true to oneself, and the capacity to shape one's own life from a deep knowledge of that self." - The Myth of Normal.
#gabormate #personaldevelopment #midlifeawakening #authenticity
"Illness in this society, physical or mental, they are not abnormalities. They are normal responses to an abnormal culture. This culture is abnormal when it comes to real human needs." - #GaborMaté, The Myth of Normal: Trauma, Illness, and Healing in a Toxic Culture
#MythofNormal #Trauma #Illness #Healing #ToxicCulture @socialwork @sociology
#gabormate #mythofnormal #trauma #illness #healing #toxicculture
Verslaving, een problematische manier van Troost zoeken...
#gabormate #psychologie #verslaving
#GaborMate is a respected Canadian M.D. best known for his groundbreaking work on #trauma, #addiction, #attachment theory, #authenticity & the therapeutic use of #Ayahuasca in #psychotherapy. Here, he's asked to offer an opinion on #JordanPeterson, which cuts through the bullshit like butter.
#jordanpeterson #psychotherapy #ayahuasca #authenticity #attachment #addiction #trauma #gabormate
#GaborMaté on the misuse of #antiSemitism and why fewer Jews identify with #Israel
#israel #antisemitism #gabormate
#GaborMate is a respected Canadian M.D. best known for his groundbreaking work on #trauma, #addiction, #attachment theory, #authenticity & the therapeutic use of #Ayahuasca in #psychotherapy. Here, he's asked to offer an opinion on #JordanPeterson, which cuts through the bullshit like butter.
#jordanpeterson #psychotherapy #ayahuasca #authenticity #attachment #addiction #trauma #gabormate
@luke understanding dosage now makes sense Luke, alongside solid research from the likes of #gabormate #traumainformedcare
For at least 5 decades, I had no idea of what consistently feeling safe felt like. I’ve doing some phenomenal therapeutic work, and reckon I’m getting closer to experimenting with psychedelics, in a supported environment. Paranoia was one of my worst experiences, linked to trauma, fear and anxiety, and all threaded back to attachment styles. Thanks for sharing your experiences, it’s been really helpful
#gabormate #traumainformedcare