Weshalb? #gaddafi #saddamhussein https://journalistenwatch.com/2023/08/26/weshalb-gaddafi-saddamhussein/
France-UK campaign to oust Gaddafi from Libya a disaster, says spy chief – Middle East Monitor
>The French-inspired campaign with Britain to overthrow Colonel #Gaddafi in 2011 was a disastrous error, according to #France 's spy chief in #Libya at the time, the Times reports.
https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20230711-france-uk-campaign-to-oust-gaddafi-from-libya-a-disaster-says-spy-chief/ #UK
#Freimaurer, #Mafia, #Korruption, #Steuerbetrug, #BungaBunga, #Irakkrieg, #Gaddafi, #Putin, #Reformversagen etc. - der lesenswerte Nachruf von Matthias Rüb auf FAZ.NET für den heute verstorbenen italienischen Ex-Premier Silvio #Berlusconi lässt wenig aus.
#freimaurer #Mafia #korruption #steuerbetrug #bungabunga #irakkrieg #gaddafi #putin #reformversagen #Berlusconi
UN mission accuses EU of aiding crimes against humanity in Libya https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/3/27/un-mission-accuses-eu-of-aiding-crimes-against-humanity-in-libya-2 - who killed #Gaddafi and why?
Das war mir auch neu: #Gaddafi wurde gestürzt, weil er eine #Währungsunion in #Afrika anstrebte!
#Libyen #Frankreich #NATO #Dollar
Auch das wusste ich nicht:
"Die französische Zentralbank kontrolliert bis heute (im Auftrag der Europäischen Zentralbank) den Wechselkurs und die bei ihr deponierten Reserven der mehr als ein Dutzend Mitgliedsländer der Westafrikanischen und der Zentralafrikanischen Union."
#gaddafi #wahrungsunion #afrika #libyen #frankreich #nato #dollar
Today in Labor History February 17, 2011: Protests against the regime of Muammar Gaddafi launched the Libyan part of the Arab Spring. Meanwhile, security forces violently attacked protesters in Pearl Roundabout, in Manama, Bahrain on Bloody Thursday. They killed four protesters and injured 300. Most were sleeping at the time of the unprovoked attack.
#LaborHistory #WorkingClass #protest #massacre #bahrain #ArabSpring #libya #gaddafi
#LaborHistory #workingclass #protest #massacre #bahrain #arabspring #libya #gaddafi
RT @rumpelratz01
Die Welt von #Querdenken und Co.
Der gleiche Diktator einmal gut und einmal böse.
Wie es grad gefällt.
#Haintz ist mit seiner Verehrung für #Gaddafi nicht alleine.
Da war mal eine ganze Welle.
Alles wie sie es brauchen.
@engineerleeh It's really sad that people die in #Palestine sadly this conflict is just a spiral, one side makes an attack, then the other side retaliates and then a new attack and it keeps on like this.
I don't think a two state solution will work and I don't think a one state solution with one in power over the other will work either, but we need to ensure that both sides has 100% access to #Israel and Palestine, I think the crazy #Gaddafi may have been on the right track with a federation.
In 2009, Colonel Gaddafi, then President of the African Union, suggested to the States of the African continent to switch to a new currency, independent of the American dollar: the gold dinar… in March 2011, the NATO-led coalition began a military intervention in Libya in the name of freedom….
#gaddafi #nato #Dinar
We need to up our game, or it's GAME OVER.
Great Endings to Great Dictators--Collect 'em all!
RT @ClareDalyMEP@twitter.com
After 11th anniversary of #Gaddafi's death during #NATO's assault on #Libya - all in the name of freedom, democracy & human rights - we'd do well to remember what happened next: terror, death, lawlessness, rape, poverty, starvation. Libya riven by conflict. That's NATO's legacy.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/ClareDalyMEP/status/1597954104889778176
RT @ClareDalyMEP
After 11th anniversary of #Gaddafi's death during #NATO's assault on #Libya - all in the name of freedom, democracy & human rights - we'd do well to remember what happened next: terror, death, lawlessness, rape, poverty, starvation. Libya riven by conflict. That's NATO's legacy.
#Gaddafi's #Libya🇱🇾 was a plank of regional stability. NATO's cataclysm plunged the wider #Maghreb, #Mediterranean, #Sahara & #Sahel into turmoil, seeding conflict & instability in 🇲🇱🇳🇪🇧🇫 & others. But for gore-soaked liberal 'humanitarians,' it's nothing more than a punchline.
RT @ClareDalyMEP: After 11th anniversary of #Gaddafi's death during #NATO's assault on #Libya - all in the name of freedom, democracy & human rights - we'd do well to remember what happene…
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ClareDalyMEP/status/1598008965346230273
#gaddafi #libya #Maghreb #Mediterranean #Sahara #Sahel #nato
I don't want to say I told you so, but #CorbynWasRight he predicted all of this
RT @ClareDalyMEP@twitter.com
After 11th anniversary of #Gaddafi's death during #NATO's assault on #Libya - all in the name of freedom, democracy & human rights - we'd do well to remember what happened next: terror, death, lawlessness, rape, poverty, starvation. Libya riven by conflict. That's NATO's legacy.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/ClareDalyMEP/status/1597954104889778176
#Libya #NATO #gaddafi #CorbynwasRight
After 11th anniversary of #Gaddafi's death during #NATO's assault on #Libya - all in the name of freedom, democracy & human rights - we'd do well to remember what happened next: terror, death, lawlessness, rape, poverty, starvation. Libya riven by conflict. That's NATO's legacy.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ClareDalyMEP/status/1597954104889778176
Ours is the age of authoritarian rulers: self-proclaimed saviors of the nation who evade accountability while robbing their people of resources and corroding or destroying democracy. Their mutual-admiration club also draws on models from the past. Vladimir #Putin
#RuthBenGhiat rehabilitates Soviet tyrant Joseph #Stalin, Donald #Trump praises Libyan despot Muammar #Gaddafi, Jair #Bolsonaro..
#putin #RuthBenGhiat #stalin #trump #gaddafi #Bolsonaro
RT @PreisselMichael
#Libyen ehemals modernster Staat in #Nordafrika, die Bevölkerung wohlhabend und gebildet.
#Gaddafi wurde vom Mob auf´s brutalste mit einer Eisenstange gepfählt.
Dank 🇺🇸, 🇬🇧 und Anderen ist Libyen heute ein "failed State".
Bravo Freunde! https://twitter.com/george_orwell3/status/1583545179960926208