Wer nicht möchte, dass seine #Smartwatch nach Hause telefoniert wird vielleicht mit der #Android App #Gadgetbridge glücklich..
"Nutze deine Pebble/Mi Band/Amazfit Bip/Hplus, ohne die proprietäre App des Herstellers, ohne ein Benutzerkonto zu erstellen, und ohne irgendwelche Daten an die Server des Herstellers zu senden."
#Smartwatch #android #gadgetbridge
Is anyone using #gadgetbridge and #TinyWeatherForecastGermany with a #wearable then can display probability of precipitation and the UV hazard index?
Does this work like expected?
Just curious, because this is a new feature since the last update and zero feedback up to now.
#gadgetbridge #TinyWeatherForecastGermany #wearable
Got this #MiBand7 connected to #gadgetbridge running on my #grapheneOS #pixel6 last night. Extremely quick and painless process! Next step is to sync up the data to #InfluxDb to create a #Grafana dashboard for my healh stats! #selfhosted #wearables
#miband7 #gadgetbridge #grapheneos #Pixel6 #influxdb #grafana #selfhosted #wearables
Wetter Apps die das Wetter über #Gadgetbridge an deine Uhr weitergeben.
Wetter auf einen Blick für jeden Ort der Welt!
Kleine Wettervorschau Deutschland
Wettervorschau, basierend auf frei zugänglichen Daten des Deutschen Wetterdienst.
Weather notification
Zeigt die Lufttemperatur und Wetterbedingungen in der Benachrichtigungsleiste.
#fdroid #app #opensource #android #gadgetbridge
Mi Band 7 arrived. Just in time, I guess it is mature enough for #gadgetbridge now. After ~3 years of Mi Band 4, Band 7 is quite bigger.
Hey @JF, since I know that you recently asked for some info on this somewhere on here (don't remember the thread), here's a quick update on #PineTime #Infinitime uptime after the latest update: After more than three weeks both #smartwatches are still going strong but they saw comparably very low use. Both with medium brightness. The one with 20% was used on a few days and was always connected to my Android phone via #Gadgetbridge. >
#pinetime #InfiniTime #smartwatches #gadgetbridge
Wetter Apps die das Wetter über #Gadgetbridge an deine Uhr weitergeben.
Wetter auf einen Blick für jeden Ort der Welt!
Kleine Wettervorschau Deutschland
Wettervorschau, basierend auf frei zugänglichen Daten des Deutschen Wetterdienst.
Weather notification
Zeigt die Lufttemperatur und Wetterbedingungen in der Benachrichtigungsleiste.
#fdroid #app #opensource #android #gadgetbridge
@gadgetbridge Can I somewhere set the sensitivity for the lift activation? There is such an option in the Zepp app, but I cannot find it in Gadgetbridge.
#smartwatch #amazfit #gadgetbridge
#smartwatch #amazfit #gadgetbridge
Happy times, another #gadgetbridge release! Many improvements and additions again, but just a few for #fossil #skagen hybrids this time. It should be on #fdroid pretty soon!
#gadgetbridge #fossil #skagen #fdroid
@astridpoot the Fossil/Skagen hybrids can do this, and you get a nice looking watch as bonus. Combined with #gadgetbridge it's also very privacy friendly.
@vacuumbeef @bbbhltz That must be something specific to the @PINE64 implementation, because my Fossil watch always shows the current teperature with #gadgetbridge and any of the supported weather apps.
I tried to update my #pinetime to #infinitime 1.12.0 but cannot connect anymore to #gadgetbridge ... any advice ?
#gadgetbridge #InfiniTime #pinetime
Vous conseilleriez quoi comme montre connectée ? Je cherche quelque chose qui me permette de faire le suivi des activités sportives, du sommeil et de la fréquence cardiaque. Avec bien sûr les fonctions de base (notifications, réveil en vibrant, etc)
Si en plus c’est possible de l’utiliser avec #gadgetbridge, c’est top
(Je m’étais presque résolu à prendre une Apple Watch, mais j’aimerais éviter d’avoir à acheter un iPhone)
I've got myself a Xiaomi Smart Band 7 Pro without realizing it is not supported by @gadgetbridge (the "un-pro" version is supported, though). I am entertaining the idea of implementing support for it, even more so that the official Mi Fitness app doesn't synchronize data properly to the phone (and I definitely do not want the data synchronized to someone else's cloud).
#gadgetbridge #freesoftware #smartband #fitness
Just updated my #Pinecil integration for #Gadgetbridge. I switched to the new BLE UUIDs (Thank you @ralim!) and it can retrieve and display the version of #IronOS now. Progress is really slow due to limited time and energy on my side, but I hope there will be something worth merging before summer on the northern hemisphere.
#Pinecil #gadgetbridge #ironos
So yesterday... Better to say, early this morning, a new version of #gadgetbridge for #Huawei / #Honor bands has been built.
New connection process under the hood, some bug fixes.
It's going slowly to a merge with upstream.
Is anyone out there familiar with the progress of the #Gadgetbridge project to load watchfaces on #Infinitime devices, i.e. #Pinetime ?
#gadgetbridge #InfiniTime #pinetime
Hab das #HonorBand5 nach viel Flucherei nun doch ans Laufen gebracht.
Mit der #HuaweiHealthApp. 🙄
Natürlich mit Account einrichten usw.
Nachdem ich das Band eingerichtet habe, gleich wieder entkoppelt.
Die App #Gadgetbridge unterstützt das Band leider nicht.
#honorband5 #huaweihealthapp #gadgetbridge
Back on #gadgetbridge and #huawei devices.😄
Found some bugs, merged some PR, rebased some branches... Exciting. 😑
Building alpha APK and waiting for feedbacks.
Where is gone my exaltation after 1 year passing nearly all my spare time on the project ? 🤔
So many things to do...