Percentage of primary school children taught through the native language:
-Wales 24%
-Ireland 8% (26 counties)
My understanding is that, in Catalonia, a principle is that all children have a right to education in Catalan.
#Gaeilge #Gaelscoil #immersioneducation #Irish #Gaelainn #Gàidhlig #Cymraeg #Welsh @gaeilge
#gaeilge #Gaelscoil #immersioneducation #irish #gaelainn #gaidhlig #cymraeg #welsh
Rud a bhíonn á scríobh agam le cúpla seachtain. A thing I’ve been writing (on and off) for a few weeks.
A guide to #Irish “to be” – the ‘bí’ verb and the copula. Still far from finished, but should be usable as is now. :)
#graimear #gramadach #gaeilic #gaelainn #gaeilge #irish
Is cosúil go mbead im’ búinteoir #Gaelainne in Ollscoil Adam Mickiewicz i bPoznań ar feadh cúpla mí. Níl aon taithí agam ar an dteagacs ach tá súil agam ná bead ar an múinteoir is measa dá raibh riamh. 🫣
Tánadar fa dheireadh. :)
#gaeilge #gáoidhealg #GaeilgeChlasaiceach #PeadarUaLaoghaire #gaelainn
#gaelainn #peadarualaoghaire #gaeilgechlasaiceach #gaoidhealg #gaeilge
Do scríobhas cúpla focal (i mBéarla) sa wiki “Celtic Languages” maidir le rudaí gur fiú eolas do bheith agaibh orthu agus sibh ag baint úsáid as #corpas (Nua-Chorpas na hÉireann): conas cuardach casta a dhéanamh, POS-tags a dh’úsáid ann, ⁊rl.
Tá súil agam go mbeidh sé úsáideach ⁊ go mbainfeabhair tairbhe éigin as an rud. :)
#gaedhilg #gaelainn #gaeilge #corpas
Do scríobhas cúpla focal (i mBéarla) sa wiki “Celtic Languages” maidir le rudaí gur fiú eolas do bheith agaibh orthu agus sibh ag baint úsáid as #corpas (Nua-Chorpas na hÉireann): conas cuardach casta a dhéanamh, POS-tags a dh’úsáid ann, ⁊rl.
Tá súil agam go mbeidh sé úsáideach ⁊ go mbainfeabhair tairbhe éigin as an rud. :)
#gaedhilg #gaelainn #gaeilge #corpas
@liam I’ll just leave a note that the whole “may the road rise up to meet you” phrase is a nonsensical mistranslation of Irish “go n-éirí an bóthar leat” which really just means “may you succeed in your road/journey; may the road/journey be a success to you”, and it’s based on the same construction as “go n-éirí an t-ádh leat” ‘good luck to you’ or just “go n-éirí leat” ‘may you succeed’.
We need an intergenerational effort to stengthen native languages, each of us taking responsibility for what we can do in our own lives & in our communities.
Languages become minoritised because they are disadvantaged. They need to be advantaged for redress to occur.
@gaeilge #Gaeilge #Irish-language #IrishLanguage #Gaelic #Manx #cymraeg #Gàidhlig #Gailck #Gaelg #Gaelainn
#gaeilge #irish #IrishLanguage #gaelic #manx #cymraeg #gaidhlig #gailck #gaelg #gaelainn