I walked with my reason out beside the sea. We were together but it was keeping a little distance from me.
Choisich mi cuide ri mo thuigse a-muigh ri taobh a’ chuain; bha sinn còmhla ach bha ise a’ fuireach tiotan bhuam.
From ‘The Choice’/‘An Roghainn’ by Sorley MacLean
Sorley MacLean was born on the 26 October 1911 in Osgaig on Raasay, a small island lying off the east coast of the Isle of Skye.
#coast #sea #gaelicpoetry #poetry
Ended up at the page of a #Gaelic lady poet whose poem I already know well from a sung #Capercaillie version. So then have to dig that out in iTunes! This in the new collection of Scottish #Poetry 1730-1830. It includes a lot of Gaelic poems (Gaelic first then translated version after) and poems by women. #ScottishPoetry #ScottishLiterature #Gaelic #GaelicPoetry #GaelicSongs #Scotland #EighteenthCentury #18thCentury
#18thcentury #eighteenthcentury #scotland #GaelicSongs #gaelicpoetry #scottishliterature #scottishpoetry #poetry #capercaillie #gaelic
Supper and a new #book to read, a new collection of Scottish #poetry 1730-1830. Really looking forward to this. My own #PhD looked at Scottish reading habits in the same period, but I need to read more of the texts being read! #Books #Supper #Literature #ScottishLiterature #ScottishPoetry #Gaelic #GaelicPoetry #EighteenthCentury #18thCentury #ScottishHistory #Reading #ReadingHabits
#readinghabits #reading #ScottishHistory #18thcentury #eighteenthcentury #gaelicpoetry #gaelic #scottishpoetry #scottishliterature #literature #supper #books #phd #poetry #book
Please do give our wee film your daily vote in the #FilmG Open Category. It was created in collaboration with Alex Nicholl and Malou Micola and includes a beautiful translation into #SouthernSami by Johan Sandberg McGuinne.
#Gaelic #Gàidhlig #Samisk #åarjelsaemiengïele #filmpoem #filmg #Poetryfilm #filmpoetry #sydsamiska #sørsamisk #filmfestival #ScottishLiterature #GaelicLiterature #GaelicPoetry #ScottishPoetry #Gaelicfilm #scottishfilm
#scottishfilm #gaelicfilm #scottishpoetry #gaelicpoetry #gaelicliterature #scottishliterature #filmfestival #sorsamisk #sydsamiska #Filmpoetry #poetryfilm #filmpoem #aarjelsaemiengiele #samisk #gaidhlig #gaelic #southernsami #FilmG #filmg15
Leughaibh tuilleadh mu gheàrr-liostaichean Leabhar Albannach na Bliadhna aig Comann Crann na h-Alba anns An Albannach.
Read more about the Saltire Society's Scottish Book of the Year shortlists in The Scotsman.
~ Marcas
#ScottishBookoftheYear #SaltireSociety #ScottishPoetryBookOfTheYear #ScottishPoetry #ScottishLiterature #Gaelic #Gaidhlig #Gàidhlig #GaelicLiterature #GaelicPoetry #CelticLanguages #Scots
#scots #CelticLanguages #gaelicpoetry #gaelicliterature #gaidhlig #gaelic #scottishliterature #scottishpoetry #scottishpoetrybookoftheyear #saltiresociety #scottishbookoftheyear
Tha mi cho toilichte a bhith air ais an Glaschu an ath sheachdain airson bàrdachd is òrain Polaris a leughadh, a sheinn is a mhìneachadh beagan do Chomann Gàidhlig Ghlaschu.
Fàilte romhaibh uile!
I'm really happy to be back in Glasgow next week tor read, sing and give a little background to the poems and songs of Polaris, for Comann Gàidhlig Ghlaschu.
All welcome!
#Gaelic #Gàidhlig #Gaidhlig #Glasgow #Glaschu #ComannGàidhligGlasgow #GaelicPoetry #ScottishPoetry #ScottishLiterature
#scottishliterature #scottishpoetry #gaelicpoetry #comanngaidhligglasgow #glaschu #glasgow #gaidhlig #gaelic