Academic appointment in Celtic at Utrecht:
Utrecht is offering a 4-year lecturer position (70% FTE) in Celtic Languages and Culture (open specialisation, though note the medieval focus of the programme). Application deadline is 15 May 2023. Start date is 1 September 2023.
For details, please follow the link:
Questions? Contact Dr Aaron Griffith,
#celticstudies #irish #welsh #gaelige #cymraeg #medieval
'Lament: A Celebration': a Cambridge Group for Irish Studies day-long symposium on 3 May marking the 250th anniversary of the Irish poem 'Caoineadh Airt Uí Laoghaire' / 'Lament for Art O'Leary'.
Speakers include Prof Angela Bourke, and poets Martina Evans and Paul Muldoon. In-person and online via zoom. Free, but registration required. Full details and registration tabs for both online and in-person attendance here:
#irish #gaelige #keening #poetry #celticstudies
What Languages Do They Speak In Ireland?
#Duolingo #Irish #IrishGaelic #Gaelic #Gaelige #Celts #Celtic #CelticLanguages #Languages
#languages #celticlanguages #celtic #celts #gaelige #gaelic #irishgaelic #irish #Duolingo
Among the activities granting a dispensation from the prohibition on eating meat this Friday during Lent, when Saint Patrick's Day falls this year, is reciting the 'Lorica of Saint Patrick', though presumably not in its original Irish.
#StPatrick #SaintPatrick #StPatricksDay #Lent #Lorica #OldIrish #Irish #Gaelige
#stpatrick #saintpatrick #stpatricksday #lent #lorica #oldirish #irish #gaelige
Dia dhaoibh, daoine
How do you say "berry" in Irish? Like the delicious little fruits?
I did a bit of Irish at school, but I know very little and this has now come up!
@histodons @medievodons @archaeodons @folklore
Here is a virtual poster announcing the CSANA conference. Please share widely.
Again the submission deadline for abstracts is this Friday, 6 January.
#CFP #CelticStudies #Cymraeg #Gaelige #Ghàidhlig #Brezhoneg #Brittany #Ireland #Scotland #Wales
#cfp #celticstudies #cymraeg #gaelige #ghaidhlig #Brezhoneg #brittany #ireland #scotland #Wales
Getting in the Christmas spirit with a nice mug of tea #gaelige #christmas #tea
Teanglann’s my favourite app/website for Irish.
There’s also a brilliant book by Úna-Minh Kavanagh which gathers together free resources for Irish. Sounds weird to recommend something that costs money but honestly it’s €15 I’ve never regretted as it has details on the quality/content/focus of those free resources. More info here:
#gaelige #mastodaoine #teanglann
@alistaircoleman I keep seeing #Gaelic speakers here on Mastodon. Probably happened upon one in numerous years on Twitter, but here I barely go a day without seeing someone with #Gaelige somewhere in their bio.
Tonight's Irish phrase is a little bit of a curve ball. I'm imagining a youth hostel maybe?
An bhfuil tú go maith ag leadóige?
Are you good at tennis?
Tonight's phrase from the Irish is
Bhí sé grianmhar
meaning 'it was sunny'
Intentionally ironic because it has rained non-stop all day
Okay, 5-7 things not in my profile...
#carless #AlternativeEducation #TurnBasedStrategy #coldweather #gaelige #medieval