Embark on this journey and discover the #GAFAMEmpire🚢!
Learn how the 5 Big Tech Google, Amazon, Facebook, Apple & Microsoft grew & how they expanded to the health, advertising, gaming, education, robotics & energy sectors.
Explore this project🔎: https://gafam.theglassroom.org/
RT @Info_Activism@twitter.com
After @TheJusticeDeptis@twitter.com sued Google for monopolizing digital advertising technologies, many questions were raised regarding its acquisition strategy.
Check our #GAFAMEmpire project that looks at the expansion of Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon & Microsoft:https://gafam.theglassroom.org/
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Info_Activism/status/1618583484288884737
After @TheJusticeDeptis@twitter.com sued Google for monopolizing digital advertising technologies, many questions were raised regarding its acquisition strategy.
Check our #GAFAMEmpire project that looks at the expansion of Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon & Microsoft:https://gafam.theglassroom.org/
RT @Info_Activism@twitter.com
Do you want to know how the big tech Google, Amazon, Facebook, Apple & Microsoft grew & which sectors they have expanded to🔍?
Check the #GAFAMEmpire project & learn more about their acquisitions. In collab with @densitydesign@twitter.com. Explore now: https://gafam.theglassroom.org/
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Info_Activism/status/1616357645811879936
Do you want to know how the big tech Google, Amazon, Facebook, Apple & Microsoft grew & which sectors they have expanded to🔍?
Check the #GAFAMEmpire project & learn more about their acquisitions. In collab with @densitydesign@twitter.com. Explore now: https://gafam.theglassroom.org/
RT @feddit_it@twitter.com
The #GAFAMEmpire: l'iniziativa di #TacticalTech @Info_Activism@twitter.com per raccogliere le informazioni di oltre 1.000 acquisizioni effettuate dai #GAFAM
Il nuovo post di piratepost è su http://feddit.it/c/eticadigitale
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/feddit_it/status/1616167706352304147
#gafam #tacticaltech #gafamempire
RT @Info_Activism@twitter.com
🔍An analysis of the concatenation of relationships that happened before & after the acquisitions of specific companies by Google, Amazon, Facebook, Apple, & Microsoft can reveal the motivations behind them. Check the #GAFAMEmpire project @densitydesign@twitter.com
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Info_Activism/status/1611282929354788864
RT @Info_Activism@twitter.com
An analysis of the acquisitions by the 5 big tech: Google, Amazon, Facebook, Apple & Microsoft, reveals their core interests & how they expanded from them in time.
Learn more about the #GAFAMEmpire dominated by strategic purchases and political visions➡️
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Info_Activism/status/1610627844694069248
🔍An analysis of the concatenation of relationships that happened before & after the acquisitions of specific companies by Google, Amazon, Facebook, Apple, & Microsoft can reveal the motivations behind them. Check the #GAFAMEmpire project @densitydesign@twitter.com
An analysis of the acquisitions by the 5 big tech: Google, Amazon, Facebook, Apple & Microsoft, reveals their core interests & how they expanded from them in time.
Learn more about the #GAFAMEmpire dominated by strategic purchases and political visions➡️
An analysis of the acquisitions by the 5 big tech: Google, Amazon, Facebook, Apple & Microsoft, reveals their core interests & how they expanded from them in time.
Learn more about the #GAFAMEmpire dominated by strategic purchases and political visions➡️