Convention Tuesdays: Atlanta Game Fest / Chattacon 48 / GaFilk 2023
Welcome to the Convention Tuesdays segment! Each week here on Geek Alabama, Conv
#ConventionTalkStuff #AtlantaComicConvention #AtlantaComicConvention2023 #AtlantaGameFest #AtlantaGameFest2023 #Chattacon48 #Chattacon482023 #Cons #ConventionCalendar #ConventionEvents #ConventionInformation #Conventions #GaFilk #GaFilk 2023
#conventiontalkstuff #atlantacomicconvention #atlantacomicconvention2023 #atlantagamefest #atlantagamefest2023 #chattacon48 #chattacon482023 #cons #conventioncalendar #conventionevents #conventioninformation #conventions #gafilk
Delighted to be seeing these lovely people performing at #GAFilk in Atlanta this weekend. #filk #music #ErinBellavia #HeatherDale #BenDeschamps
#gafilk #filk #music #erinbellavia #heatherdale #bendeschamps
Off on an adventure this weekend, gonna make #music with some of my closest friends. #FlyingDuringCovid #CovidIsNotOver #WearYourMask #PreferablyAnN95 #SEAtoATL #GAFilk
#music #flyingduringcovid #CovidIsNotOver #wearyourmask #preferablyann95 #seatoatl #gafilk
#GAFilk health policies: "Not checking vaccination status ... Masks in public places unless performing on stage with consent of other on stage performers. Or whole eating."