Flt: #CNS121 #CobaltAir #PNE-#GAI
First seen: 2023/09/05 16:08:52
Min Alt: 4000 ft MSL
Min Dist: 0.47 nm
#planefence #adsb - https://planefence.com
#a2d56f #cns121 #cobaltair #pne #gai #planefence #adsb
There is an interview in today’s NYT with one of my heroes, Daniel Dennett. The interview led me back to a piece he wrote for the Atlantic last May. He not only decries #GAI technology, but proposes an interesting way to save us from its most disastrous consequences: essentially a requirement that all output from generative AI systems bear a watermark declaring it to be generated by some automated system.
なるほどなのじゃ #GAI
ICAO: A72C10
Flt: EJA561 #NetJets #GAI-#GAI
First seen: 2023/08/15 15:04:30
Min Alt: 2182 ft AGL
Min Dist: 9.18 mi
Planefence by kx1t - docker:kx1t/planefence
Ik ben, samen met Laurens van der Tang en Jack Esselink, geïnterviewd door #Cvandaag over #ChatGPT en de gevolgen voor het Christelijk #Geloof. Gratis te lezen via deze link: https://cvandaag.nl/premium/96954-chatgpt-een-kans-of-bedreiging-voor-het-christelijk-geloof-drie-experts-antwoorden/Hk5RB1YOAX9yYBoYGhoecxASEBQ
Met dank aan Silvan Bruinstroop.
#AI #GAI #KI #AIethics #EthicalAI #Ethiek
📷 CC0 Public Domain
#ethiek #ethicalai #aiethics #ki #gai #ai #geloof #chatgpt #cvandaag
Dans Le dernier placard - vieillir gai, son premier documentaire, Dany Turcotte aborde la question du vieillissement des personnes #LGBTQ. Présenté sur Tou.tv dans le cadre de #FiertéMontréal. #Fierté #Gai #Québec #Montréal #RPA #PauseDeDragQueen
#lgbtq #fiertemontreal #fierte #gai #quebec #montreal #rpa #pausededragqueen
En 2004, Zilon (1956-2023) illustrait un guide d'éducation sexuelle novateur pour les jeunes hommes gais, publié par Séro Zéro. Rien de tel n'a été fait depuis et le format papier est désormais introuvable (sauf à la Collection nationale). 💐
Mon livre de lit, pour une sexualité plaisir en santé (PDF): https://acommealliees.ca/pdf/monlivredelit.pdf #Éducation #Sexualité #Gai #Hommes #Zilon
#education #sexualite #gai #hommes #zilon
En 2004, Zilon (1956-2023) illustrait un guide d'éducation sexuelle novateur pour les jeunes hommes gais, publié par Séro Zéro. Rien de tel n'a été fait depuis et le format papier est désormais introuvable (sauf à la Collection nationale).
Mon livre de lit, pour une sexualité plaisir en santé (PDF): https://acommealliees.ca/pdf/monlivredelit.pdf #Éducation #Sexualité #Gai #Hommes #Zilon
#education #sexualite #gai #hommes #zilon
xAI Is out!
Elon Musk challenge to #OpenAI and #Google to build the most effective #GAI System (General Artificial Intelligence) is official.
Forecasted release in 2029 (+/- 1 year).
#openai #google #gai #artificialintelligence #AI #xai #elonmusk
4. #gpt and similar #llm ‘s can be tricked easily. There are multiple examples of this online
5. #ai trained on interactions on the internet has lead to racism, sexism, and other terrible isms being developed by the model in the past.
6. When we reach #gai / #agi it could do anything. We have no way of knowing what it could do, no matter what anyone says. One thing is for sure: it will know us better than we know ourselves very quickly.
2/2, I think I made my point
Flt: N4858J #MVY-#GAI
First seen: 2023/07/08 09:58:57
Min Alt: 4607 ft AGL
Min Dist: 9.39 mi
Planefence by kx1t - docker:kx1t/planefence
Flt: N4858J #MVY-#GAI
First seen: 2023/07/04 17:44:48
Min Alt: 3432 ft AGL
Min Dist: 2.02 mi
Planefence by kx1t - docker:kx1t/planefence
I’ve been listening to three middle-aged white dudes talking about #GAI for half an hour in the background and I still don’t know if this is funny or sad.
inspirobot has thoughts on AI and the data plundered to produce it. #inspirobot #GAI #AI
GAI generiert absolut irre QR-Codes. Wie grpoßartig ist das denn??
Think of the three "smartest" people you know of. Now think of the three most powerful people you know of. Is there any overlap?
If not, start asking yourself why we are supposed to be afraid of an AI which becomes super-intelligent? And also: what are those with power doing now, that maybe we should be afraid of?
Flt: #CNS121 #CobaltAir #PNE-#GAI
First seen: 2023/06/01 17:29:31
Min Alt: 4925 ft MSL
Min Dist: 1.42 nm
Peak Audio: -62 dBFS
Loudness: -1 dB
#planefence #adsb - https://planefence.com
#a25b3b #cns121 #cobaltair #pne #gai #planefence #adsb