42 days to the next #GaiaMission data release! This is a "Focused Data Release" with 5 #science products. Here's the overview page:
And here's the detailed description:
#GaiaFPR #Astronomy
#Astronomy #gaiafpr #Science #gaiamission
ICYMI, 2 days ago was the first anniversary of #GaiaDR3. In celebration @ESAGaia(@🐦) shared this highlight of the #GaiaMission Multi-Dimensional view of the #MilkyWay! This image was constructed from 10 Gaia sky maps and highlights the diversity of Gaia data on a large sample of stars in the Milky Way. More info: https://www.cosmos.esa.int/web/gaia/iow_20230613
#milkyway #gaiamission #GaiaDR3
ICYMI, 2 days ago was the first anniversary of #GaiaDR3. In celebration @ESAGaia(@🐦) shared this highlight of the #GaiaMission Multi-Dimensional view of the #MilkyWay! This image was constructed from 10 Gaia sky maps and highlights the diversity of Gaia data on a large sample of stars in the Milky Way. More info: https://www.cosmos.esa.int/web/gaia/iow_20230613
#milkyway #gaiamission #GaiaDR3
The next #GaiaUnlimited workshop is happening this Oct 4-6 in Turin, Italy. Info: https://gaia-unlimited.github.io/community-workshop2/
Come learn about the #GaiaMission survey selection function and how use it to properly interpret #GaiaDR3 datasets using tools to build and use it.
#GaiaDR3 #gaiamission #gaiaunlimited
The date of the next #GaiaMission data release has been announced by @ESAGaia on the dead bird site:
#GaiaFPR coming up! #SaveTheDate: 10 October 2023 Gaia will publish its focused product release with 5 dedicated data products! More details on Gaia's upcoming releases:
#savethedate #gaiafpr #gaiamission
Has the #GaiaMission found an intermediate mass #BlackHole, a missing link in black hole evolution?
Mapping the #MilkyWay is one of #GaiaMission's main science goals. What better place to hear about the latest status than at the Lorentz Center workshop on "Mapping the Milky Way: Galactic Cartography in the Age of High Precision Parallaxes". More details here:
This week's #FollowFriday / #FavoriteFollows list - #DarkSkies / #Astronomy / #Astronomers / #Space
#Astronomer from #Montana, Mapper of the #MilkyWay, @IDADarkSky(on Twitter)
advocate, #GaiaMission Expert, fan of #scicomm, #MadeInItaly, #CitizenScience & #DarkSkiesForAll
Amateur #SpaceArtist, love astronomy and #astrophotography
#Space, science and wonder. Personal account. Views and opinions my own.
Professor of astronomy, farmer of goats. #Asteroid (42910). She/her. Settler living on Treaty 4 lands (Saskatchewan).
Astronomer. Historian. Author. Small business owner. Arizona native. Proud LGBT American. Retiring to asteroid 14505. Questioning everything; occasionally getting in trouble for it.
Sisters Jordan and Kit cohost this monthly #podcast featuring #astronomy, ret-cons(tellations) of #mythology, and fun.
{Bot) Universe at your fingertips, every hour!
NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory's (JPL) unofficial Photoblog.
#bot #mastobot #astronomy #galaxy #photography #information #nasa #jpl
#followfriday #favoritefollows #darkskies #astronomy #astronomers #space #Astronomer #montana #milkyway #gaiamission #scicomm #madeinitaly #citizenscience #darkskiesforall #spaceartist #astrophotography #asteroid #Podcast #mythology #bot #mastobot #galaxy #photography #information #NASA #jpl
Latest installment on the #GaiaDR3 selection function. #GaiaMission
MT @ESAGaia@🐦:
😍 The #GaiaMission finds its second black hole! Both black holes found by Gaia are the closest to Earth and dormant! A new and invisible population unveiled with Gaia!
Video created with GaiaSky:
Galactic archeology with the #GaiaMission!
RT @berndsonneck
Astronomers Dig Up the Stars That Birthed the Milky Way. There once was a cosmic seed that sprouted the Milky Way galaxy. Astronomers have discovered its last surviving remnants.
#Astronomy #MilkyWay #CosmicSeed #Galaxy #AI #XGBoost #Protogalaxy #gaia
#gaia #protogalaxy #xgboost #AI #galaxy #cosmicseed #milkyway #Astronomy #gaiamission
First of series of #GaiaMission webinars has just started! Not to late to join in. (Scroll down the following web page to see the schedule and links.)
FYI, there will be a new #GaiaMission data release for this object late this year. Can't wait for the science magic that will happen with the astrometry.
RT @APoD :
Millions of Stars in Omega Centauri
Image Credit & Copyright: Neil Corke, Heaven's Mirror Observatory
The #GaiaMission has been formally extended to 2030!
"Gaia will exhaust its cold gas propellant (fundamental to carry out its precision pointing) in the second quarter of 2025 and will therefore transition to post-operations from mid-2025 onwards. Following the SPC decision to extend the Multilateral Agreement concerning Gaia data processing, the post-operations phase will be completed by 31 December 2030, ensuring the fourth and then final (fifth) data release."
#GaiaMission has found its second #BlackHole!
Using the data set that has been gleamed from the ESA's #gaiamission telescope will it be possible to trace back the path or the motions of the star in the history? So for example we know that Bernard Star is now. Using #gaiadata will it be possible for us to calculate where it was about 10,000 or 100,000 or even 1,000,000 years ago?
#space, #astronomy, #astronomygeeks, #stars, #starmotion, #archelogoyastronomy, #starspropermotion, #Astrodon, #astrodon, #MilkyWayGalaxy, #milkywaygalaxy, #gaia
#gaiamission #gaiadata #space #astronomy #astronomygeeks #stars #starmotion #archelogoyastronomy #starspropermotion #astrodon #milkywaygalaxy #gaia
ICYMI, there will be some new #GaiaMission data products being released toward the end of this year.
1. Astrometry and photometry of sources in Omega Cen from engineering images
2. The first results of quasars' environment analysis for gravitational lenses search.
3. Extended radial velocity epoch data for Long Period Variables.
4. Diffuse Interstellar Bands from aggregated RVS spectra.
5. Updated astrometry for Solar System objects
Announcement: https://www.cosmos.esa.int/web/gaia/news
New paper out on a sub-Neptune mass exoplanet (or perhaps more than one exoplanet) orbiting the red dwarf GJ 1151, which at a distance of 8 parsecs is one of the nearest stars. #Exoplanets #NearByStars #GaiaMission
#exoplanets #nearbystars #gaiamission
New paper out today on the Cep OB2 association within the Cepheus star formation region.
#gaiamission #astronomy #cartography
Here is a larger map showing the Cygnus X location. I've labelled an Unknown Sea and the headlands of Lacerta, Draco, Cygnus and Serpens, but the truth is that this is just where the #GaiaMission hot star data runs out and in fact the Local Arm, assuming that there is a Local Arm, may just continue on in this direction.
We may have to wait for an infrared version of #GaiaMission in about 30 years to map out the Milky Way further in this direction.