Editor B · @editor
223 followers · 204 posts · Server mastodon.floe.earth

I'm quite excited and proud to see this article, "Following the Gaian Way," published in the Harvard Divinity Bulletin. No, I didn't write it, didn't even contribute to it, but I support and participate in this new religious movement. My thirst for academic legitimacy is slaked for a day!


#gaia #gaianway #ecospiritual #harvard #newreligiousmovements

Last updated 2 years ago

Editor B · @editor
209 followers · 142 posts · Server mastodon.floe.earth

I'm fasting today in honor of the Worm Moon, and not coincidentally a "Gaian Moon Fasting Prayer" has just been published. gaianism.org/the-gaian-moon-fa Not my initiative but I'm happy with the text and proud to have made some small contributions to it.

#gaia #gaianway #ecospiritual

Last updated 2 years ago