Jan Fischer wird am 11. Oktober 2023 am FutureCongress.digital in Wolfsburg teilnehmen und das Panel "Föderierte Dateninfrastrukturen als Hebel für die Digitalisierung der europäischen Industrie" mit seinem Fachwissen bereichern.
#acatech #gaiax #innovation #wolfsburg
📬 Cubbit: Digitale Souveränität und hohe Ausfallsicherheit, 80% günstiger als AWS
#Datenschutz #Empfehlungen #ITSicherheit #Webhosting #Cubbit #GaiaX #Geodistribution #LucidLink #Naviko #Synology #Veeam https://tarnkappe.info/artikel/it-sicherheit/datenschutz/cubbit-digitale-souveraenitaet-und-hohe-ausfallsicherheit-80-guenstiger-als-aws-280279.html
#datenschutz #empfehlungen #itsicherheit #webhosting #cubbit #gaiax #geodistribution #lucidlink #naviko #synology #veeam
"Paragraph 203 des StGB über Verletzungen von Privatgeheimnissen...: Mitarbeiter, die das Rechenzentrum betreuen, müssen hierbei zusätzliche Datenschutzvereinbarung und Zertifizierung ablegen, damit auch Kunden aus diesem Sektor betreut werden dürfen. „Angebote wie Azure, AWS und Google fallen da beispielsweise raus“ #gaiaX #cloud #privacy #privacyshield2
#gaiax #cloud #privacy #PrivacyShield2
Ich würde mir wünschen dass sich das ausgeht: „We have to take the European way, be a bit cleverer than anybody else, and define standards. If all the [European] cloud providers were able to share an ecosystem, we would be much stronger than AWS, Google and Microsoft.“
#cloud #gdpr #gaiax #Hyperscaler #europe
Meet me at #DICE2023 in #Zurich.
Let's talk #VerifiableCredentials and #DecentralizedIdentifiers as part of #SelfSovereignIdentity with all its exciting implications and potential.
Things to discuss: #GaiaX, #SSI implementation for Gaia-X Federation Services (#GXFS), #SSI at #Eclipse Foundation and how SSI is crucial for #dataspaces and #dataecosystems
📅 Date: June 7th to 9th 2023
📍 Location: Zurich, Switzerland
You can still register at https://diceurope.org
#dice2023 #zurich #verifiablecredentials #decentralizedidentifiers #selfsovereignidentity #gaiax #ssi #gxfs #Eclipse #dataspaces #dataecosystems
🔍 Dive into the world of secure and sovereign data exchange in #GaiaX with deltaDAO and @moveID and #GaiaX lighthouses at Hannover Messe 2023.
Decentralized data spaces, IP- and privacy-preserving compute-to-data, federated analytics & learning, and data monetization are getting a lot of attention across domains.
Day 3 has been a blessing with our consortia and community members and @DLR at Hall 14, Booth H06 / 21-25.
😍 The new deltaDAO AG website has been released. Time for a refresh, right in time for HANNOVER MESSE , Cloud Expo Europe Frankfurt and the many new upcoming decentralized #GaiaX and European data spaces.
If #AI, IP-protection, time-to-business and valuable data-products are your business you should give us a visit. https://www.delta-dao.com/
📣 HANNOVER MESSE has started! deltaDAO AG will be exhibiting at the leading international industrial fair from April 17-21!
📍 Join us at Booth B44 in Hall 12 to explore our Ideal Component Matching Federated Analytics demonstrator, built with EuProGigant, concircle, and FELT Labs.
📍Also, don't miss our connected vehicle demonstrator at the outside area of Hall 14 and booth H06 21-25 for #smartmobility data collection in #GaiaX, developed in collaboration with @DLR and @moveID
RT @gaiax_aisbl
#GaiaX CTO @ticapix: "I extend my invitation to the community to join us in our upcoming #TechX #Conference & #Hackathon" ➡️https://gaia-x.eu/tech-x/
#gaiax #techx #conference #hackathon
🚀 Use Case Spotlight - The Future of IP-Preserving Predictive Maintenance in Manufacturing!
Collaborating with #GaiaX lighthouse project EuProGigant, we've unveiled a game-changing decentralized data space for manufacturing.
🎥Discover more: https://youtu.be/5439iMCof10
🔧 The CNC ProfiTrainer machine by HELLER demonstrates how production parameters are published, where an algorithm utilizes Compute-to-Edge to analyze component conditions.
The result? Predictive maintenance and quality assurance!
Create value based on #AI and #data using deltaDAO AI & Data Spaces as a Service.
1️⃣ Share and monetize data sets and algorithms.
2️⃣ Search and discover data assets.
3️⃣ Consume data assets.
4️⃣ Generate valuable insights with AI & federated analytics.
Discover our features yourself at Pontus-X – the Web3 ecosystem for #GaiaX. Pontus-X is the first fully decentralized data space in Gaia-X, while adhering to the rules of the Gaia-X Trust Framework.
Data silos suffocate data-driven innovation
🔒 The fear of losing data and control: Tight regulations on sensitive data and the fear of losing intellectual property results in data silos.
☠️ Siloed data is dead data: Access to essential data is needed to unlock AI’s full potential.
But access ≠ creating copies / compromising valuable IP & sensitive data!
🔐 deltaDAO opens data silos and builds AI & Data Spaces as a Service, enabling secure and privacy-preserving data exchange.
🌐 deltaDAO empowers the #GaiaX ecosystem with Pontus-X, the first fully decentralized data space, promoting data sovereignty & monetization while adhering to the Gaia-X Trust Framework.
🔐 With our partners Ocean Protocol & FELT Labs, deltaDAO offers privacy-preserving Compute-to-Data, Compute-to-Edge, Federated Analytics & Learning - enabling businesses to harness AI & data services while maintaining full control of their sensitive data.
In Need Of Reliable Sustainable Mobility Charging Infrastructure - MOBIX Park & Charge @IAAmobility @moveID_gaiax https://mobix.ai/2023/03/27/in-need-of-reliable-sustainable-mobility-charging-infrastructure/ #ecomobility #GaiaX
The #RfII (Council for Information Infrastructures) today released its most recent analysis "Federated Data Infrastructures for Scientific Use". The report systematically compares the origins, scope, organization and key players of #NFDI, #EOSC and #GaiaX. In addition, it makes well balanced and interconnected recommendations for the main actors in scientific data infrastructures on how to further the growth and adoption of #RDM ecosystems.
Our Co-Founder @kaimeinke states why we bootstrapped the Web3 ecosystem for #GaiaX and started the GEN-X network, based on #polygon and #oceanprotocol, with federators like A1 Exoscale , @ionos_cloud , Wobcom , Arsys , @stabi_berlin , EuProGigant , Software AG , @tu_wien and University de Lleida.
#gaiax #polygon #oceanprotocol
Data Spaces & GAIA-X – platformen voor data-uitwisseling – Zorgdpe.nl
Om het enorme datapotentieel in de Europese Unie (EU) te ontsluiten is het belangrijk om een evenwicht te vinden tussen waarden als privacy, beveiliging en ethiek én het het mogelijk maken van dataverkeer en -gebruik als essentieel onderdeel van de data-economie. #data #gaiax #ids
#Gaia-X, 2023 anno della crescita: opportunità per aziende e fornitori Ict
Um relevante Daten- und Informationsinfrastrukturen in der Wissenschaft wie #NFDI, #EOSC oder #GaiaX soll es am 24. und 25. April in Hannover gehen.
Mehr Infos zur Herrenhäuser Konferenz des RfII und der VolkswagenStiftung unter: https://rfii.de/download/herrenhaeuser_konferenz/