Bha mi ag obair ann an Dun Èideann an diugh.Dun Èideann gle bhrèagha 👍😃
#caltonhill #duneideann #Edinburgh #Gaidlig
#gaidlig #edinburgh #duneideann #caltonhill
Continuing our watch of the Gaelic programme walking from Melrose to Lindisfarne. We recorded it and are slowly getting through it. Onto episode 3 which goes from Monteviot to Kirk Yetholm. So getting into my granny’s home country. The iPlayer version of this episode is only online until Monday evening coming.
#Gaelic #Gaidlig #ScottishBorders #Walking #StCuthbertsWay #Roxburghshire #Scotland #Cheviots #CheviotHills #BorderReivers
#borderreivers #cheviothills #cheviots #scotland #roxburghshire #StCuthbertsWay #walking #ScottishBorders #gaidlig #gaelic