Kian Pee Wan – Natural Appetite Stimulant, Weight gain – 30 capsules
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🍎 Anything CAN BE USED
🍏 For Good
🍎 Or For EVIL
🍎 Is It #Addictive ?
🍏 Is It #Abused ?
🍎 Does It ALTER Your Reality ?
🍏 Does It CHANGE Your Personality ?
🍎 Does It Make U #GainWeight ?
🍏 Does It Have #SideEffects ?
🍎 Does It Interfere With YOUR Relationships ?
🍏 Is It Used for Coping? Avoidance? Or to #Disassociate ?
#Disassociate #sideeffects #gainweight #abused #addictive
Can #peanutbutter help you #gainweight? Or is it a #Superfood that promotes weight loss?
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Can #peanutbutter help you #gainweight? Or is it a #Superfood that promotes weight loss?
#superfood #gainweight #peanutbutter